Dear Secretary of State for Defence: Rt Hon Philip Hammond - TopicsExpress


Dear Secretary of State for Defence: Rt Hon Philip Hammond MP, I am writing in response to certain information freely available on the internet, that has raised serious questions concerning the terrible events of 9/11. I am referring to the evidence presented here by Dr Judy Wood: youtube/watch?v=T1NbBxDGSkI , you do not need to watch far into her presentation to grasp the immense importance of the issue and the implications of the evidence. Basically, the twin towers did not collapse, they very clearly, were turned to dust; people, office furnishings - even steel went through a process of dustification, only a fraction of the 1,250,000 tonnes of material that built each tower, ever actually touched ground - seismic reports on the day, fail to reflect what should have been an impact of significant magnitude. Firemen walked out of the basements of BOTH buildings AFTER they collapsed. It is physically impossible for buildings of such stature, to collapse into their own footprint and NOT crush the floors below nor even leave a huge pile of debris. It is also impossible for planes hitting steel-frame buildings, to cause TWO near-perfect demolition-style collapses within minutes of one another. Noticeably, office paper survives intact. The evidence points very strongly, toward some type of energy weapon being deployed amid the events of 9/11. And, the evidence cannot be denied - as we can see clearly on the footage, the towers literally turn to dust before our very eyes. While Dr Judy Wood dismisses use of thermite, after examining other evidence, I feel that thermite WAS used in order to give the IMPRESSION of a collapse at the precise moment the energy-weapon was deployed. All of this means the events of 9/11 were carefully planned by highly sophisticated agents with access to advanced technology - certainly beyond any level of that possessed by Al Quaida. We know for a fact that the twin towers were closed for electrical-work just weeks before 9/11. We know the USA military were confused and slow to respond due to a training exercise involving hijacked aircraft approaching New York. We know it is IMPOSSIBLE for a plane strike and resulting office fires, followed by complete collapse of a building, to turn human bodies to DUST. Furntiure too would be crushed but not vapourised into dust. Looking at the Official report and its conclusions on 9/11, i find a startling ignorance of the evidence - essentially, the Official stance on 9/11 is little more than a wild conspiracy theory. By comparison, Dr Judy Wood provides some serious food-for-thought: Anthony Farrell - he was employed for 17 years at South Yorkshire Police and for 12 years, served as their Principle Intelligence Analyst. Being highly esteemed in his profession, Mr Farrell was asked to present a Terror Threat Assessment Report for the UK. He was asked to take the events of 9/11 and 7/7 into account. Mr Farrell reached the conclusion that biggest threat facing Britain today is internal tyranny, he cites 9/11 and 7/7 as inside jobs. Mr Farrell was duly dismissed after refusing to alter his report to fit with the official conspiracy-theory i.e. the biggest threat facing Britain today is Muslim Terrorists. He sacrificed his life-long career and pension for sake of standing by his professional competence in unearthing the FACTS. The claim that Mr Farrell was psychologically imbalanced has been disproven via numerous psychiatric reports that show Mr Farrell to be of perfectly sound mind. Given the extent of the ignorance at work, there is clear evidence of conspiracy to cover up the facts of both 9/11 and 7/7 -- because again, with 7/7, there are serious holes in the official report all of which, are more than adequately presented in J A Hills 7/7 Ripple Effect - a film that was accepted as evidence in a UK Court and because of that acceptance, J.A. Hill was cleared of charges of seeking to pervert the course of justice by presenting Ripple effect as evidence to a jury, a crime with a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison. Anthony Farrell also, found the evidence presented in Ripple effect to be useful. In both cases, we have complicity within media, police, government & military - if only, in their willingness to ignore unfavourable information i.e. the kind of information that if they were to investigate any further, might lead to loss of jobs, status and income - perhpas even lives? Many, if not most, very likely just believe what they are told and act accordingly - uncomfortable questions are quickly brushed aside - perhpas more than few are blackmailed or bribed = manipulated? Yet behind them all, there is a group focused on implementing a PLAN = a TERRORIST PLOT which they knowingly seek to control, toward fulfilling their own agendas. Is Britain in the grip of internal tyranny? WHAT is this energy-weapon - WHO does it belong to if it is not in the hands of a TRUSTED and established, democratic government? Is there even such a government on this planet? If there was, then surely, that government and its electorate would want to know about this terrorist weapon that was used to kill and injure thousands of innocent people? Given the present horror taking place in the Middle East and most of it on the strength of 9/11 & 7/7, it would appear the perpetrators were victorious if their actions were meant to frame otherwise, innocent parties and thus, persecute they and their bretheren with death and destruction. 1 million Iraqi people are dead on the global, hysteria of 9/11 and STILL no WMDs - if 9/11 & 7/7 WERE inside-jobs whos to say the same forces that comandeered those events, did not also commandeer the roads to invasion of Iraq? For a start, we have the very suspicious death of Dr David Kelley who was about to present Parliament with proof that Iraq had no WMDs. Then, the Rt Honourable Robin Cooke MP who staunchly opposed the invasion, died after he fell off a hillside. Obviously, the conspirators already have inroads into UK media, police, intelligence, government and military to carry out their terrorist act on 7/7. Why was Charles De Menezes shot and killed on London public transport? Did he see something he wasnt supposed to? Did he know too much? One thing is for sure, police reports on his actions and CCTV evidence do not match - he was not even carrying a rucksack, and was no threat when approached by his killers. Was it some isidious power, feeding our police false information in order to eliminate a threat to unveiling their plot? Seemingly isolated incidents quickly add up when we understand the facts & truth of a situation i.e. what CAUSED those towers to disintegrate in mid-air during a demolition-style collapse? Because they DID disintegrate and it IS physically impossible for an aircraft impact to achieve that process of dustification. there is no escaping the truth of those facts no matter how many BBC specials try to persuade us that pigs-can-fly. In light of the FACTUAL EVIDENCE, it is very clear that 9/11 was NOT the work of Al Quaida and neither, was 7/7. So who is responsible for those attacks? I request that as Secretary of State for Defence, you look into the evidence of both 9/11 and 7/7 and re-examine the dismissal of Mr Anthony Farrell; as an expert in his field and trained to Masters Degree level in criminology, his evidence is of utmost importance and is demanding of your serious consideration. In light of the factual evidence it appears every individual needs to examine our own heart and ask ourselves where we stand in this life - are we for good or bad? Does Goldfinger win - is there no 007? Or is that just the difference between fiction and reality? At the end of the day, it is humanity who writes both the fiction and the reality and we DO have a choice between investing our lives into either truth or fiction: You are in a position of power and millions depend on and are influenced by, those matters you express an interest in; as Secretary of Defence for Britain, are you not interested in the strange new weapon that demolished the stricken, Twin Towers on 9/11 ? WHO controls that weapon? Is it a threat to our National Security? Is our National Security already compromised? A copy of this letter will be forwarded to the Shadow Secretary of Defence; Vernon Coaker MP whom i hope, will show his own interest and willingness to investigate the evidence further. Also, a copy to The Independent with a request for a further copy being forwarded to Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe. It is time for the REAL people in government offices to start demanding REAL answers that make REAL sense for REAL people in the REAL world. Thank you for taking the time to read. Yours sincerely, Miss D. Mahmoudieh
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 10:01:14 +0000

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