Dear Sir.Mister President.I am not sure how l must convey myself - TopicsExpress


Dear Sir.Mister President.I am not sure how l must convey myself verbally to you because of you being President of the United States of America. I think it is difficult to live up to your communication requirement. Sir! I apologize in advance in case I take the wrong choice of words.. Im not very well stable To write a letter to such a high ranking personality. I am very nervous and I tremble as i write to you Sir. It is a Petition and Accusation the same time Im turning to you today I hope with help of option finder,to find solution. Mister President My Name is Tanja Dohn Zay Geronimo Tyler. Robert Geronimo is my Grandfather. Robert Geronimo is the only son who survived. The name last Geronimo is knowing the presedent of the United States His act has not introduced a positive development between Apaches and government. But the Native American had no other choice. The political relationship between the two parties was painful and critical enough. The Native American criticize the missing remorse. The Native American must be reflected internally, while others have arrived long ago. I think we agree that the trend is of not teach the real history of the Native Americans.. Mr. President, I would like hijack you in the Native American history. I think I dont need not mention, people wish to be very rich. Columbus returned to his homeland with gifts Native Americans He got jewelry made of precious stones and Gold. He shared with all that gold are practically on the street and juicy and wild uninhabited country. The aboriginal titled Columbus uncivilized and naive. If you look back to the past The white population has for as long as I can remember other suppressed and exploited If people are not one worked as it was requested by the fine gentlemen , were public executions, public lashing or they were thrown into the Dungeon. Pigs were better housed. The beautiful virgins were first tested by the ruler before they were allowed to marry at all. We need the Catholic church does not even mention. This is only a fraction of things that have been done in the past which white people have done. The Catholics have been threw the poorest of the poor food waste through a lock . These people have vegetate like pigs in front of the church.. These people have stolen and murdered in this time period . These were the characteristics of people who have arrived in the newly discovered land. People who came from greedy and selfish world of living. Mister President, you can be insured of , that these people did not leave their inappropriate nature at the gate of the new found land.. These people have done just continue as before. The Native American in contrast, Lived in harmony with nature.. The Native American killed just as many animals as it was necessary to life. Each part of the animal was used out of respect to mother earth. The diffrent kind of native Nation life in great respect to each other in peace and Harmony togther. There was no reason to fight amongst themselves. Money and Material values have the native americans first met when they began to expel them from there own country. The appropriation of property of others is recorded in the history of Europe The fine gentlemen have done this to there maraton passion as well as a the church. If it did not work on their trendy way, there lead conductive consequences. These people were accused of something to get rid of.them. They were simply Executed. Similarly, it has also been implemented to the Native American. Are not you going voluntarily we kill you. a few examples of the way the white people treaded the native americans. 1.Blankets and towels were give as as a gift to Native American In these blankets were before, people wrapped who died in smallpox. It was the plan to wipe out an entire Native American tribe. Many Native American died of smallpox. 2. One morning were armed soldiers in the tepees of the Cherokee Nation. This nation was very peaceful and unarmed This nation was herded togther like animals. Not even jackets and blankets they were allowed to take.. The Cherokees were chased for months, through ice and snow With out warm closing and blankets. The families had to be witness how their wives, mothers, children and father seriously got sick with out any chance of help to health again and just drop over dead on the walk This way is called .the trail of tears 3.Sitting bulls small son was slaughtered in front of his eyes by the soldiers because he wanted to protect his father to be slaughtered. Sitting bull did not want to sign contract. To sale his land. 4 Abraham Lincoln did the largest hanging fron Native Americans the history of united States. He ordered to hang 38 Native Americans. The Native American werent giving the money or the food set forth them to singing the treaty to turn over more than a million acres of there land and be forced to live on a reservation. Indian agents keep treaty money and food was going to the Native Americans. The food was saled to white settlers ,food was giving to the Native American was spot and not fit to a dog to eat Native American hunting parties went of the reservation land, looking for food to feed their hunting group took eggs from the white settlers . .that is how far I got now
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:18:11 +0000

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