Dear Swamiji, My mother-in-law is suffering from Cancer and it - TopicsExpress


Dear Swamiji, My mother-in-law is suffering from Cancer and it is a case of Ca Cervix with advance metastatic disease. She had undergone a cervical operation followed by 6 round of chemotherapy in Apollo kolkata. Even after chemotherapy the cancer cells re-appeared. So for further clarification we went to Leevavati hospital in Mumbai and shown her to Dr P Jagannath and he told us that cancer is advance stage and second line of chemotherapy is the only solution at the moment which will possibly improve her life expentancy to more than 1.5 years to 2 years. Somehow I had lots of hope on your line of Ayurvedic treatment and the yoga and pranayama you suggest. Also I had heard about several patient saying during your yoga camps that they have been hugely benefited. In this regard I meet a Patanjali chikitsalaya vaida Dr Madhuri in Aundh, Pune. He suggested some medicine and told us to visit Patanjali chikitsalaya Haridwar. Immediately I called up on your haridwar hospital number for an appointment. The hospital receptionist connected me to Vaidya Chandramohan (09412074923). I explained him about the disease and the current treatment she is under going. He suggested us to come down to haridwar and told us that he will be keeping the patient for 15 days and would all required ayurvedic treatment and it will surely benifit her. He also said ayurvedic treatment is very effective and depending upon the patient response it can give miraculous results. My brother-in-law went to the haridwar patanjali hospital and the vaidya in hospital said him that she has to undergo chemotherapy first and given some medicine which she can take after chemotherapy treatment is over. Then I called vaidya chandramohan that as per your suggestion I told my brother-in-law to take my ailing mother-in-law and again you are suggesting them to go Allopathic doctor for chemotherapy etc. Then chandramohan suggested me to tell them to meet him again in another half an hour. Accordingly my brother-in-law took my mother-in-law to chandramohan. But chandramohan again suggested for chemotherapy. I called up chandramohan in the evening and said what he did he suggest for my mother-in-law. He gave very arrogant and irresponsible response. He said, lots of cancer patient comes here how would I remember everyone. I told him I have been in touch with you from last 1 month and till afternoon you were recognizing me and what happened suddenly. Then he disconnected the phone and did not pick it later. Swamiji, I have been a strong believer in your treatment, ideologies and your commitment to extend your support in the development of this country economically and spiritually. But this incidence has raised several doubts in my mind. You appear to be no different from other money minded doctors and the capitalist mindset businessmen who only think about squeezing people money and least care for the trust people has build up in you and pain agony they undergo. Think about the situation if you had been in a similar condition. Millions of people trust you. Please do not take them for granted. Stop claiming things which you cant do. When you do not treatment for diseases like cancer etc why do claim on television. I think you disguising people of this country. It is very sad thing. In this way you are doing huge injustice to ayurveda. Regards, Vishal
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 05:08:39 +0000

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