Dear Thomas, Congress is stuck in a stalemate – - TopicsExpress


Dear Thomas, Congress is stuck in a stalemate – and critical services for millions of seniors are at risk. Tell your senators to stand up for the dignity and independence of seniors and support the Older Americans Act now! A critical lifeline for vulnerable seniors is stuck in limbo. For nearly fifty years, the Older Americans Act has provided lifesaving programs for millions of seniors across the country. But now, Congress is locked in yet another battle that is leaving the well-being of millions at risk. The Older Americans Act is more than just a budget line item – it means home-delivered meals, transportation, and other services that ensure seniors can stay in their communities among friends, neighbors, and family caregivers. The solution to saving these programs is simple: renew the Act. But there are just a few short weeks before Congress leaves for the summer. We have a brief window of opportunity right now to make sure they do the right thing – so they need to hear from you today. Tell your senators to ask the HELP committee to renew the Older Americans Act now. Renewing this important piece of legislation should be an easy decision to make. Instead, gridlock on Capitol Hill has complicated the process. The bill is now stuck in a stalemate – leaving millions of seniors hanging in the balance – even though virtually all agree the current programs work. For almost fifty years, the OAA has provided money directly to local community agencies to help seniors live with dignity and independence as they age. It provides for Meals-on-Wheels, elder abuse prevention, family caregiver support, preventative health services, transportation, and many other important programs. It also helps save federal and state tax dollars by keeping seniors out of costly nursing homes and preventing unnecessary hospital re-admissions. With so much at stake for so many people, we cant afford to sit back now. We need to make some noise, and show Congress that were counting on them to renew this Act and make sure these critical programs continue without legal or funding barriers. Make sure your senators hear from you! Tell them to support the Older Americans Act now. Thanks for taking action – together, well make sure that seniors in your neighborhood and across the country can live the lives that they deserve. Sincerely, Fred Griesbach AARP Campaigns AARP.ORG |TELL A FRIEND | JOIN US ON: AARP 601 E Street NW, Washington, DC 20049 We are committed to protecting your privacy. We do not sell or rent your email address to any other party. See our privacy policy for additional information. Unsubscribe from AARP Advocacy or unsubscribe from all AARP e-mails.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 23:37:09 +0000

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