Dear tourists, I’m writing to all of you that will be coming to - TopicsExpress


Dear tourists, I’m writing to all of you that will be coming to Brazil in 2014 to enjoy the World Cup. Going straight to the point, let me tell you that the Brazil you will see and experience it is not the real Brazil. It’s a cover up, a mask. It’s all a set up stage, prepared to please the world and make everybody think we are a great nation, the country of the future. Unfortunatley, it’s all a big lie. The only thing that it will impress you is our landscaping, our natural resources. Those, no doubt , are impressive and incomparable. It is a fact that events such as the World Cup and the Olympics are great financial and cultural avenues to a country but the problem is that we are not ready for those events. Only a few people here in Brazil are brave enough to raise their voice to say that. By the way, Brazil is the country where you can critizice everyone and everything, from your neighbor to the president, except the former president Lula and his “social programs”. If you talk about that, you are called a reactionist according to the politicians. Nonetheless, let me give you an advice: take vitamin C an d check your health prior to coming to Brazil. I would feel sorry for you if you had to use our health system or any of our hospitals. Yes, hospitals. We (and you probably) hear saying that our health system is a model for the rest of the world....really? Only if it is an example of incompetence and neglect. When you get here you will see that the soccer stadiums are state of the art...for sure they are, they cost much much more than they were bugedet for but there was money to finish them. But our hospitals......there is no money to at least make them a decent place to treat our people. That’s Brazil. No need to explain further what our priorities are, right? I still believe the World Cup and the Olympics are a personal project from ex-president Lula - a man who sends a message to be a “saint” to the world but that supports the most outragious corruptions cases in the history of our politics. Our economy grows less than it should. Our politicians are the best paid in the planet. Our highways....well, you will have a chance to see them when you get here. Our “health system” allow people to die in the hospital hallways because they are not able to pay for services... but we continue with the over-expensive construction and remodeling of stadiums for the upcoming events. And still, our politicians want everybody to think we are the nation of the future. What a lie! Take your vitamin C. Brazil became the country of “rights”. Here, you have “rights” for everything. What we don’t have is “duties”. It’s a big party, always! If you get robbed by a child, don’t worry, it’s normal. Kids are “allowed” to commit small crimes in Brazil....what is not allowed to happen is a teacher in school try to educate kids that is not ok to do that. We are the country of the opposite: what is right here is wrong for the rest of the world, but you know, we are right. To end this brief article, I also suggest you to take a quick Portuguese language class. If even a former president says he does not need to learn a foreign language, do you really expect us to speak yours? By the way, my English is not that good, I ask for my cousin’s help who lives in the USA. Any ways, I want to welcome to Brazil! But don’t forget your vitamin C! (If you translated online, you should know that there errors. Text written before the protests.)
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 00:01:10 +0000

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