Dearest Zeke, Today is your Birth Day. 5 years ago joined our - TopicsExpress


Dearest Zeke, Today is your Birth Day. 5 years ago joined our family - such a blessing, so smiley and happy. We had such normal hopes and dreams for you, then you were diagnosed with brain cancer at 18 months old. Then we just wanted you to live. We figured that after 2 brain surgeries, you may have some physical disabilities, but we prayed you would still be the same Zekey. And we were blessed again. Emma asked the other day why you lost your hair. I explained that the chemotherapy that is supposed to kill the cancer has that side effect. She interrupted and said, well, it didnt work. She sounded mad and indignant. We miss you more each day. Trying to remember that the cancer and the treatment had left you unable to stand, walk, talk, and barely able to move your arms and that perhaps you really are better off. We will always remember your giggles and smiles, how hard you fought, and all that you taught us. Happy 5th Birth Day in Heaven Son. We will never stop raising awareness for childhood cancer.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 09:49:21 +0000

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