{ Death Online } Sharing my thoughts on the feature published in - TopicsExpress


{ Death Online } Sharing my thoughts on the feature published in todays DC on the new upcoming services for Live Streaming at Funerals. I am shocked to know of such services too. What life it is that parents who are the reason for what we are, can’t be attended to? Had they thought the same and made our childhood a business of a third person, what would our well-settled life be? Whatever may be the reason just because technology is available we can’t amend our rituals and technology is to make life easy not lazy. Such arrangement will give more opportunities for families not to visit even at the last time. Already in this Internet space, although people spend hours on social media, phones, Ipads they hardly find time to sit for at least 5 minutes peacefully in the company of their loved ones. We are more worried about our bosses than our mothers. I am sure the next invention is not far away where even to staying together is not necessary to beget children, everything happens online. I feel no technology or device can replace a mother’s warmth, a father’s concern and a family’s affection. Just imagine an aged person who only needs a glance of their loved ones. Can a medical employee replace the touch of the loved ones? Can an old age home replace the memories of our own home? Can money be replaced with quality time spent? I condemn this ridiculous arrangement coming up. It is better not to meet the departed soul’s family than to capture their emotions like a TV drama.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 10:14:44 +0000

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