Death of Superman by Larry Little Ever since you were a kid, - TopicsExpress


Death of Superman by Larry Little Ever since you were a kid, you have always known Superman That one person that just couldnt be beat, they were the best at everything The smartest person you knew, answering every question so well Theres no way in hell you could second guess the response Always around even when you least expected it Keeping a watchful eye over you, like your personal bodyguard Even scolding you only to make you better as a person, And since it was superman you took it to heart and changed for the better You aspire to be just like superman,the bravest,most ambitious, strongest, most intelligent individual you know A creation of divine force, for only the divine could birth such amazing traits in one vessel No amount of injury, loss or pain could cripple Superman Invincible to everything negative Respect, Superman had yours and all others You have grown but Superman has stayed a constant presence You dont rely on superman for much these days but insight, wisdom and the occasional joke here and there Whenever there is a problem, if no one else Superman has your back to the upmost fullest And whenever possible you do your best to help superman, even though you are only human But a disturbing, almost gut wrenching factor has come into play The one thing that not even superman can beat Kyrptonite, the one and only thing powerful enough to bring superman to a near mortal state You watch as your heros existence begins to change in a vile and twisted manner Superman has been subdued, indefinitely by forces in which no one can control They crumble,becoming a shell of their former self Darkness has befallen them No chance for light to peer through the once vibrant,lucid and colorful mosiac known as their soul Life is no longer such, but just an existence. You come to the final realization Superman, your hero, is dying And theres nothing you can do to help Forced to sit and watch everyday as superman falls deeper and deeper All the while publically acting as though there is nothing wrong But you are more than aware Of the insanity that takes place in the mind of Superman You could not even think to fathom the pain, torment and chaos That takes place within the now decrepit soul of your hero Death, its sweet embrace draws closer by the day But there is no parallel universe No loophole or last ditch effort to save supermans existence And there is no one capable of coming to the rescue Its over You then begin to realize something you would rather not It begins to fester in your mind and refuses to leave your train of thought If superman, the most noble, unbelievable person you have ever known May succumb to a force that not even they could control If something so wrong can happen to someone who did everything right What chance do you stand? Youre nothing like Superman You are not extraordinary You possess no skills of defining measure You can barely fend for yourself, not to mention others Nor is your presence of the optimal importance And you have given nothing back to the world you inhabit You have seen your hero fall in a fashion unfitting of the way they lived How is this world going to thank you for the things you have done Your accomplishments Your guess is as good as mine This is definitely something that most people can relate to to some point in their life. Like the poem said, since we were kids, everyone has had their Superman.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 03:20:13 +0000

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