Deb is a punk and gave me 16...aint nobody got time fo that...but - TopicsExpress


Deb is a punk and gave me 16...aint nobody got time fo that...but here we go! 1- Im Irish, but I also have German in my family 2- I love to cook and bake...especially for a large group of people 3- I have met some of the best people and have made some excellent friends through colorguard, field band and drum corps. Any school who choose to eliminate the arts program from their curriculum have no idea of the long lasting effects it can have on someone life. 4- I met the love of my life, Julie, through colorguard. We didnt become a couple until years after. Just hours to show you best friends make the best couples. I have known her for 15 years, we have been together for 8 years and married for 5 years. And many more years to come. 5- I am beginning to hate Debra more and more for giving me 16 of these damn things. 6- I love to go camping in the Adirondacks. It has become my place of Zen and time means nothing up it. Gotta thank my dad Bruce for that one 7- Some of my most noted, and my best traits, definetly come from my mother Liz. She doesnt sugar coat anything, and neither do I. It is how it is and if you dont like it, well tough shit, you shouldnt have asked me! 8- in Feb 2013 I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes. This has completely turned my life upside down and inside out. Its amazing how different you have to live your life when you get this crap, however, the main reason I keep popping the meds are... 9- My kids, Kiara ans Logan. Absolutely the best stress I have ever experienced. Everything I do is for them and my wife. My family is my everthing. 10- I really miss teaching and coaching colorguard full time. Its something I thought I was really good at (at least my students always told me!). 11-I worked as a bouncer and a bartender in Downtown Syracuse for a few years, and I miss that social aspect bigtime. In a perfect world I would love to open up my own Irish themed tavern and name it The Black Thorn. 12- I love cooking up new ideas or playing mixology when I have some spare time. I have found a few winners...but I keep digging! 13- I am not good with tools or tech-y things. Yeah...I said it. You come over a fix it and Ill make sure you leave fed! 14-I LOVE MOVIES. I get lost in cinematic adventures. And the fact that all the comics that I read as a kid are coming out as movies gets me as excited as a kid in a candy store! Mel Brooks is always a welcomed favorite 15- There are a lot of friends that I have gotten out of touch with. And its not that we have disowned each other, or have had a brawl and are not on speaking terms...we just grew up. I miss all of my friends and wish we could have a drink our two sometime soon. 16- Lastly, I have to say most importantly, I gotta give love to my three brothers. Adam and Brandon, you have made me very proud and I do brag about both of my soilders when I get the chance to. Justin, I know you travel the path less beaten, and sometimes you feel stuck. You are one of my rocks and you help me out with so much and I love you for that. And came to this family, and it was a change for all of us. You preserved and stayed and have provided so much for mom and us. Where I may not be able to call you are one kick ass Gran-pa Mikey!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 05:30:34 +0000

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