Deborah, Thank you for the WW11 movie quote, it is highly - TopicsExpress


Deborah, Thank you for the WW11 movie quote, it is highly appreciated. I include here an explanation which I hope will clarify my status. This is the only reference to the distasteful event of yesterday I think is required on my part.. Thank for your kind support and encouragement. Take very good care and stay clear of mine field. A huge thank you to all those offering wonderful support. However I must be honest and reaffirm I will not post any more stories to ensure I will not offend any one familys feelings as was suggested by my confusing friend unacceptable distorted views. Please understand my friend made a direct attack on my MORALS. VERY HARD TO ACCEPT.( END OF POSTINGS). NEVER BEFORE IN MY LIFE WAS I INSULTED SO DEEPLY. I know I am no angel, never tried to be nor will I attempt to be. That would be much too boring a life for me, I want to continue making sincere attempt at helping those who need help. In the wishes I offer to my friends reference HAPPY BIRTHDAY I ALWAYS INCLUDE CAUTION ABOUT MIXING CELEBTATION JUICE AND DRIVING. THE INTENT IS NOT TO INFER THEY ARE DRUNK TYPE PEOPLE RATHER A FRIENDLY REMINDER OF THE EXTREME DNGER. I AM SURE THEY UNDERSTAND THE INTENT OF THE MESSAGE My desire was to spread the message reference TEXTING and DRIVING EXTREME DANGER. my friend should spend a lot of time at the library and read as many books as possible about learning FIRST HOW TO UNDERSTAND THE INTENT OF A POSTING and refrain from hurting other instead of using false sense of respect toward other peoples familys feelings on seeing the post. I am getting too emotional to continue. I hope this explains my views and desire not to engage in any more useless battle. I have had enough in my career, I want to try and enjoy the few remaining years I have left. My morals will be assess at the gate way up at an altitude I never reached in my flying career. I fully expect to be issued a one way non stop ticket to the furnace shop. UNCLE BEN, ADIOS.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 13:55:33 +0000

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