December 30, 2014 The end of 2014 has just one more day before a - TopicsExpress


December 30, 2014 The end of 2014 has just one more day before a New Year starts. In the past I make promises to myself of what I want to accomplish in 2015 – Many times I have not committed to asking God first to show me what He wants for my livfe first. I make the list and then ask God to bless what I want and am so disappointed when my plans don’t work out. DAH! This past year brought me nothing of what I wanted. But as I am reviewing this past year, I am so much richer than I could ever have imagined! 1. I was taught the tools of depression God gave me years ago still works – when I praise and worship Him depression cannot take root in my soul 2. My thoughts are a powerful gift God gave me that I am not defined by my circumstance but I can define the circumstance by how I react to it. How powerful are thoughts? 3. That I have friends who are Prayer Warriors who prayed from me when I was not able to pray 4. That the dark painful times did not last forever 5. That we have no idea the impact we have on other people who are watching us to see if our faith is real or do we crumble under the pain/discomfort/ uncertainty of our life 6. That I can live in the “eye of the hurricane” and release the turmoil of my life into the care of a loving God who will carry me through to the other side and back into the light of knowing I am being molded by the master 7. That laughter can carry me through the most awful of times and lighten the load of the circumstance 8. That my doctors need me to encourage them when they can not guarantee me anything 9. That God showed me that He could really take care of my son, David, and keep him calm and peaceful. David usually would have melt downs when staff changed and I am not well and he does not get to come home on his regular weekends – God has given him peace during this time 10. Would I have volunteered for this last years experience – A RESOUNDING NO – however, being willing to glorify God in the middle of it all, has brought a deeper relationship with my Jesus and I know there is nothing we cannot accomplish together. 11. THE LIST goes on and on! Today I am awakening to less pain then I had a few weeks ago. How grateful I am for that – that I have more energy than I have had for a long time – Saturday I was able to be at Victoria and Mykle’s wedding all day; yesterday I was able to work and not be totally worn out and today I have a full day waiting for my attention. ISN’T GOD SO GOOD TO LET US KNOW THAT THE AWFUL TIMES DON’T LAST FOREVER! He walks beside me and will take me by the hand or carries me when I are not able to take one more step. As this year comes to a close, I send blessings to everyone who is going through your own challenges. Defeat cannot be in your vocabulary! Lean into the pain and let God become your constant companion. Call on those of us who are willing to pray for you when you are not able to find the words to pray or even know if they matter if you did pray. I know prayer is powerful! God does hear even if He does not let us know the outcome – Be willing to embrace what God has planned for your life even if it is nothing you really want – trust Him to know the big picture and learn from what is happening – I promise it will be valuable in the future. Make this day joyful. Be a fountain and overflow with the love of God today!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 13:56:32 +0000

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