Decision of NOBW Union: In the back round of UFBU meeting to be - TopicsExpress


Decision of NOBW Union: In the back round of UFBU meeting to be held on 13th Oct 2014 at Bangalore, NOBW met at Mumbai today i.e. 10th Oct. 2014 and decided 1) Stick to 25% demand of Wage revision 2) Not to favour of token strike one/two days. Go for long and indefinite strike. 3) NOBW is open for Pay Commission recommendations for Bank employees. 4) NOBW also demanded to consider Compassionate appointment cases pending before 5th August, 2014 For your reference last strike for wage revision was on 10&11 th of Feb 2014. i.e when Congress Govt. was in power at center. After that no strike call was given. Now, UFBU is getting ready to go for a strike. Dates and number of days will be decided in a meeting on 13.10.2014. This will be the first strike action against BJP Govt., for wage revision. At the time of last strike INBOC and INBEF (both affiliated to INTUC/Congress) participated in the strike eventhough Congress was in power that time. INTUC a congress affiliated central trade union participated in all the struggle programmes with central trade unions like AITUC,CITU,HMS and BMS against anti labour policies of Govt. , even though Congress was in power at center. 1. Coming to NOBW (union affliated with BMS/BJP), in the earler occations, has not opposed to one or two days strike. After BJP came to power it is advocating for long/indefinite strike, knowing fully well it is not going to meterialise. It is to escape from participating in the forthcoming strike, so that it will not hurt the feelings of Modiji. When the frustration/angry of the bank employees are boiling like anything againt the Govt./IBA, NOBW is pouring cold water to difuse or to divert. When Govt. is in paying position and bank employees are at reciving end, anger of employees should be directed towards Govt., only. Some people play a game very cleverly,diverting the anger towards unions itself in the social media,as if Govt. is ready to give more and only unions are not accepting it. Some comrades also fall prey to this propaganda. 2. In the last meeting, UFBU (said to be) reduced its demand to 23% from 25% with some conditions, (Eventhough a big brother want to reduce it further). Now NOBW again wants to stick to 25%. Is it to show that NOBW is more serious than any other constituents of UFBU? 3. Another decision is about Pay commission. After 40 years of existence, only now it come to the conclution that Pay commission may be a better option than Bi-partite settlement. That too at the time going for strikes action. It is very simple, if a Pay commission is constituted no nessecity for strike till it gives its report. It may take another 2 years, what a smart move to save Modi govt. from the anger of bank employees? Will this move not dilute the negotiation process? 4. Demand for Comppasionate appointment for cases before 05.08.2014. Any union is opposing it? Already UFBU has sought clarification about this in the last BPS talks. On receipt of clarification, further course action may be decided. Hence, by posing itself as more serious in employees’ issues and posting more attractive demands, NOBW is trying to distancing itself from UFBU. It is not a good shine. It will only back track the negotiation process. Unions are meant for employee’s welfare and not for pleasing the political Boss. Bank employees are shrewd enough to read between lines. United struggle! Forceful struggle! (Not only strike, but also all forms of struggle) Active participation of all employees/officers in the struggle! No political agenda! No imposition of one’s own agenda on other constituents of UFBU! And above all no back stabbing at the last/crucial movement as in the past! If these are followed we can expect a good settlement! Otherwise, ….. leave it to you……..
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 05:23:02 +0000

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