Dee Austin makes a really good point. She said, Democrats: Do NOT - TopicsExpress


Dee Austin makes a really good point. She said, Democrats: Do NOT run from 7.1 Million Americans!!! I agree, Dee. We have a political party that has spent the last 30-40 years doing things with our tax system, loopholes or donut holes, etc, to cause this HUGE chasm between the wealthy and the rest. And.. Corporate welfare is the evil that has been hurting our country. CITIZENS UNITED is so cruel. Breaking up hard working families is cruel. (We need Immigration Reform..) NO gun regs is deadly. Hurting our veterans is cruel. And HATING someone who wants to make things better for all is cruel! The AFFORDABLE CARE ACT IS THE BEST THING that has happened to help save the lives of those who are not mega-wealthy. And YES.. RIGHT-Wingers. It helps to level the playing field, which is what our FOUNDING FATHERS wanted...and WHY they came to a New World and set up a government for ALL. So... Put THAT in your pipe and smoke it!! Obamacare is a great thing....and will get better if we all work HARD to make the necessary changes as we see the need.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 21:03:09 +0000

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