Definite Differences: The BOY you Date & the MAN you marry. 1. - TopicsExpress


Definite Differences: The BOY you Date & the MAN you marry. 1. The boy you date just wants to have fun, no stress, nothing more. He relentlessly asks you to “hang out,” which involves far less commitment than a date. Mind you, theres nothing wrong with hanging out, its fun, builds memories & a brilliant way to unwind but this boy just wants to have fun with no strings attached. The man you marry asks you out on dates, spends quality time with you at fun locations when he can and is clear about his intentions with you. He wants to be with you and wants you to know where you’re headed. 2. The boy you date deliberately avoids serious conversations. He talks with you about people you meet on the street, erotic ideologies, animals, empty fantasies, pokes fun at that guy at the church, or shares funny stories because he can’t connect on a deeper level. The man you marry can hold a conversation with you about anything, especially of common interests: movies, games, random gist, work, music, religion, and other common interests. This makes for a more substantial relationship in the long run. 3. The boy you date is not a fan of responsibilities, children & or family. He will often say he never wants to get married or have kids, and nothing will change his mind. Don’t try–this is a red flag that he’s not Mr. Right! The man you marry, after he meets you, gradually develops thoughts about the future, getting married and having kids & may even discuss it with you once in a while. 4. The boy you date gulps the slightest provocation and blows it out of proportion. He loves to win and wont easily reach a compromise. He perceives your seasonal moody attitude, takes it personally, and starts firing it right back at you until it spirals into a major fight. The man you marry can handle you at your worst, and most of the time subdue your flame. He can pretty much handle your attitude and talk you down from a ledge. When youre having a bad day, he knows the right words to get you calm. This is especially important when you have major life crises. 5. The boy you date calls you mean and immature names to make himself feel like a winner. Hes always ready to fight, brutally beat you up or argue with you. The man you marry fights fairly. He knows you too well and how to walk away when he senses your trouble. He doesn’t call you names or use physical force, no matter how angry he gets. He knows more reasonable ways of calming his rage than beating you or raining curses. 6. The boy you date cares too much about looks, and will tease you for looking sloppy until you fix yourself back up to his standards. The man you marry understands that everyone has good and bad days as far as looks go, and won’t hurt your feelings or love you less if youre without make-up, if your weight fluctuates or you have a bad hair day. Hes more about your interior than exterior. 7. The boy you date will say “I’m sorry” because he just wants you to cheer up or stop nagging him. He says “I love you” just to make you blush. He doesn’t really feel the meaning of the words. The man you marry will say “I’m sorry” because he honestly is, and he never meant to hurt you with his words or actions. He says “I love you” because he truly means it, is convinced he needs you and wants you to feel that love every minute of your life.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:01:47 +0000

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