Democratic strategist Joe Trippi is being intellectually - TopicsExpress


Democratic strategist Joe Trippi is being intellectually dishonest. While it is true we would not be able to get gas to Europe tomorrow, just the threat and the start of building the Keystone pipeline, build the LNG ports would cause Putin to stop and ponder his criminal actions of taking away a FREE country, Crimea. It would oe could ALL be functional in 2 years if we put our minds to it. Energy wiped out the Soviet Union in the eighties and it could easily do it again. Obamas military cuts are proof positive he needs to be removed from office. He is putting our soldiers in harms way and American security too. Now I hear he is going to give away our internet, paying RUSSIAN SCUM 70 million dollars to send one of our astronauts to the international space station on a Russian rocket..This should make we as Americans, the most giving nation in the world sick to our stomach. Its beyond my comprehension. I do not wish anything but true salvation for Obama. Obama is a complete and total embarrassment. We are the leaders of the free world. We will not be able to accomplish this anymore now because of one man. Obama.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 01:46:42 +0000

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