Denise was with Mija today: Before therapy, Mija worked on - TopicsExpress


Denise was with Mija today: Before therapy, Mija worked on blowing her whistle, and using the call light. I think she has both down very well! Next I read her post and comments from all of you. She knows your names, and giggled at my pronunciation of some. Mija had a co treatment with ot/pt. OT stetched Mija backwards and forwards, side to side using a wand. OT then got a colorful parachute, like the ones Mija uses with her kids, and laid it out on the floor. They had her through beanbags on particular colors and she could make points. With assistance from pt moving her arm up and down, Mija threw the bean bag on the correct colors each time. Next we all took a hold of the parachute raising it up in the air, and bringing it back down. Mija was asked to say up and she did! Next they put a squeaky ball under her shoe heel, and asked her to put enough pressure on the ball to make it squeak. She did this twice. Mija had a student with her also, and she told Mija she was lucky to have three therapists this morning, and Mija immediately threw a kiss, put her thumbup, along with three fingers. Very exciting. After therapy we went to sensory class. They talked about it being veterans day and did anyone want to acknowledge a veteran. We acknowledged Paul, Mauris husband for his service. Mija was the official flag waver. On her own, when patriotic music was playing, saluted twice. After sensory I gave Mija a bedbath and washed her hair. Next was TBI class with social worker on reviewing facility rules. Mija laid down after class, but didnt go to sleep. After awhile she started waving at something in front of her. I finally figured out she was waving at herself in the mirror. Told her she must be bored, so she got up and we went to the dining room and worked on some puzzles. Mija started nodding off after awhile, so to bed she went. Thanks for all of the continued prayers and good vibes/karma and please keep them coming!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 04:03:46 +0000

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