Denying United Nations role, regarding Jammu Kashmir issue will - TopicsExpress


Denying United Nations role, regarding Jammu Kashmir issue will turn this region more violent and Kashmir may turn into another Afghanistan: YASIN MALIK United Nations is a forum that despite its lacks and shortcomings still stands as a symbol of international peace and tranquility. Its role visa vise the dispute of Jammu Kashmir is an established fact. SRINAGAR// United Nations is a forum that despite its lacks and shortcomings still stands as a symbol of international peace and tranquility. Its role visa vise the dispute of Jammu Kashmir is an established fact and cutting down or denying this role will bring only disaster to the region. This was stated by the chairman Jammu Kashmir liberation front (JKLF) Mohammad Yasin Malik in a press release issued today. Yasin sahib while commenting upon the recent developments regarding Indian efforts to close down UN observer’s office in Delhi said that the growing aggression of Indian state towards the people of Jammu Kashmir and its decision to close down UN offices in Delhi will bring nothing but distress and disaster to south Asia. He said that cutting down or denying the United Nations role in this region and visa vise the issue of Jammu Kashmir will turn this region more violent and Kashmir may grow as another Afghanistan in this region. Yasin sahib said that Indian decisions to change the nature of Kashmir issue and efforts to close down the UN observers offices in Delhi is actually like turning a blind eye towards the reality of Jammu Kashmir issue. He said that it is UN presence that guarantees the establishment of peace and stability in this region and abolishing this role is like pushing Kashmir towards the wall and transforming it into another Afghanistan. Yasin sahib said that India is trying to close down the office of UN observers group which was established in this region at Indian government’s behest. He said that it was India that went to UN for intervention on Jammu Kashmir. It was Indian leadership and parliament that assured the people of Jammu Kashmir that they will be given a chance to decide their future. Now India in its arrogance is trying to close down UN observer’s office in Delhi and is casting doubts on its relevance which is highly regrettable and condemnable. Yasin Malik questioned that does India want to turn Jammu Kashmir into another Afghanistan by these measures? He said that United Nations and other world powers should strongly oppose this Indian effort. United Nations is a forum meant to raise its voice for oppressed people and it has to change its habit of obeying the orders of states and nations. We are hopeful that United Nations will stand for the oppressed and voice less people and will keep playing its vital and important role for the resolution of all disputes confronting the international peace including the dispute on Jammu Kashmir that has consumed almost 4 generations of Kashmiris and is posing a constant threat to the peace and stability of this region, said Yasin Malik. *Y*
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 10:41:19 +0000

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