Depression. Everyone on here knows someone who deals with it - TopicsExpress


Depression. Everyone on here knows someone who deals with it everyday, yet you dont know. People show it in different ways. Some dont show it at all. Everyone deals with everyday problems, but depression is a beast of its own. Some have had it since they were kids. Some give in to the demons and take their own lives, I personally have lost friends to it, even as far back as school. Some things to consider, even though someone acts as though life is grand, it may not always be. Some clearly make it known things arent grand. And things can be great, great spouse , great kids, great job, great friends, kick ass hobbies, but for some reason, the depression is still present. Some just have the need for attention, keeps them in a good state. For some any achievement is never enough, never good enough, always trying to top it. So, next time you get a message, text, a call from someone, and maybe you think of that person as bothersome, or annoying, maybe they are, but that may just be their outlet that makes their day run smooth. If Ive been that person, sorry, its defiantly not a choice. I have an awesome life, been blessed with great people and things. Friend of mine shot the moon over the KC skyline last night, said he would love to get lightning from there, well I got some from that spot, I looked at these pics for a long time, its close, different cameras, lenses, and angles, as well as clouds covering up building tops, but close. He is a vetran chaser, accomplishment for me? I thought so at first. and I got this with my buddy. I choose to not chase by myself for different reasons than others. I get good stuff by myself.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 02:55:45 +0000

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