::Deranged:: ::Part One:: ::By Rourke Larson:: I love you so - TopicsExpress


::Deranged:: ::Part One:: ::By Rourke Larson:: I love you so much. Rourke smiled, shook his head and continued to fasten Shilas heavy leather saddle into place. He knew what was coming. It was always the same whenever he had to take the long trip into town. She would get broody and clingy, like he might meet some tempting vixen in Sandusky and come back with her replacement. He didnt mind her worrying. It just meant she loved him. I know you do, Hayley, he replied, patting the horse on the flank and feeding the reins up over her broad shoulders. He turned his head slightly, enough to make brief eye contact with the woman hed adored for years. I love you too. He returned his attention to Shila, who stood happy, anticipating a good, hard hike along the desert trail. We should get married, said Hayley. Another smile from Rourke. This was the second time shed brought marriage up. The first had been the market season before this one. She wanted kids, he knew that. Eventually, so did he. He just didnt think there was as much of a rush on that as Hayley did. Hed just turned 29, she was still only 25. There was a lot of work to be done, a lot of seeds to be sewn and foundations to be laid before all of that could go ahead and take place. He longed to make love to her. Lord knew, he longed for that of all things! Kissing and touching was a mighty fine way to spend a cold evening, no doubt about it, but the /real/ sharing was still to come. For that, theyd have to get married. But... We will, he promised, satisfied with the state of the horses tack and turning to face the girl. His boot heels knocked against the wooden floor as he made his way to her, taking both her hands in his when he got there and bringing them up to his lips. He placed numerous kisses on her fingers before pulling her arms around him and making a full embrace of it. We will, sugarpie. I just want everything in place before then. The loan, the house, the farm... You know Id marry you this afternoon if I could. Rourke felt her arms tighten around his midriff. He held her firmly and rubbed the back of her neck with a thumb, until his back started aching and he had to separate. He sighed and straightened up. Hayley clucked and shook her head in feigned annoyance. You need to hire a boy, she remarked, moving closer to him and rubbing where it hurt. You cant do it all on your own. Cant afford one, he said, stretching a little at the waist, limbering up somewhat. The ride eastward would play havoc with his back too. He didnt look forward to it. Then let /me/ help, came her reply. Not a chance, Rourke said without hesitation. Youve got your book to write. Thats your project. This is mine. If we got married, both projects would belong to /both/ of us. You know? Sharing? That thing people do when they love each other and make a commitment? That again. She grinned and stopped rubbing. Buy a ring. Buy a ring? he smirked. Go on! In town! Buy a ring and we can at least be engaged! Whats so wrong in that? Buy a ring? Just like that? Rourke chuckled. Its meant to be a surprise when a man asks a woman to marry him. How romantic would it be for me to ride off into town and come back with a ring and propose to you when you already know whats coming? He was smiling broadly as he pushed open the barn doors. Powerful rays spilled in and shone through Hayleys brown locks, giving her an almost celestial appearance. You dont care about romance none? Hayley was a little frustrated. Damn his logic! He could out-logic her all day and she hated it. But, as she always did, she had an answer for him. Every girl cares about romance, Junior. But this girl cares about the future too. Dont you know it kills me every time you ride off like this? It kills me too. Would you pass me my hat please? Rourke placed a pointed boot tip into Shilas stirrup and mounted up. Hayleys eyes glared up at Rourkes. So he was just going to ride off again! With his horse and his hat! Sure Ill pass you your hat! Ill pass it right to ya! She looked around for it and saw it sitting upright on a workbench. She had half a mind to flatten it in anger before fetching it for him, but her good manners prevented her from doing so. She was frustrated, yes, but she loved him. Truly loved him. A sigh escaped her lips. He needed his hat. She couldnt flatten the mans hat. She lifted it up and held it in both hands, almost overcome with emotion at Rourkes imminent departure and lack of empathy. A choking feeling began to envelope her heart. She could cry quite easily. Then she saw it. On the workbench, just where his hat had been. A small box covered in purple and gold velvet decoration. Her heart beat twice as fast as she picked it up and held it. It looked like the sort of... Rourke Larson Junior! The rancher grinned and donned his spare hat before kicking once at the flanks of his animal. Shila immediately began to canter out of the barn, into the baking heat of high summer. Junior! called Hayley after him. I cant believe this! She followed him as best she could in her long dress, about halfway across the barn enclosure before giving up and coming to a stop. She watched him ride off while opening the box. Inside was a sparkling platinum engagement ring, a simple narrow band studded once with a crisply cut diamond jewel. Hayley was lost for words. Rourke must have planned this for months! He must have had the ring hidden some place all this time! It was amazing! How could he have kept this secret for so long without even a hint of it coming out before now? She would never find out. Hayleys smile was broad and her heart fluttered wildly. She bit her lower lip as she took the ring out and pulled it onto her finger, and the last words she ever said to Rourke -words hed never hear- escaped loosely off of her tongue. I love you so much.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 15:21:20 +0000

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