Despite having puppies in and out of the Rescue, everyone knows it - TopicsExpress


Despite having puppies in and out of the Rescue, everyone knows it is the Seniors and the Medical kids my heart leans to most. With them comes so much joy and on some days so much heartbreak. One never knows how long you have with a Senior. A Day or a year or even more. Truth be told, every day is a blessing for most of them. The return I have received personally has always been 1000 fold. Watching them heal, watching them get their groove back is nothing short of a Miracle. If I could afford it and my heart did not need some healing time in between I would only pull Seniors. Even with their sometimes cantankerous and borderline obnoxious ways, they are just special. I always wonder why many do not want a Senior or why they discard them and why they are so quick to put them down when they start failing in health. Sure glad we do not put down humans the day they start tinkling in their shorts in their golden years. :) My days would be so much easier without the 7 Seniors at our house. Less laundry, less pee pads, less diapers, less food squabbles, less noise, less work....less medical bills, less stress, less heartache. Not going to happen :) Would not trade any of them. With that said, Willas health has been failing....each day she gets a little slower Each Day her vision gets a little worse. She has lost some weight, and god knows she is already frail so that is not a good thing. Her Blood work came back and there are some issues but we need to get her urine results to be able to tell what direction we need to go in. With her being at least 16 no heroics will be called into action. What we will do is provide her with a pain free dignified journey. She will let us know when her time has come. I just hope it is not any time soon. Ava had what we believe is a stroke earlier this evening...when she fell over right next to me I almost fell right down along side of her. She went stiff as a board and her eyes appeared to be sunken all the way into her head. That horrifying cramp took over my heart as I tried to get her to respond to me. Mark held her for what seemed like an eternity before she started licking her lips....After a call to her Vet and a call to the ER she stood up...walked very slowly but did drink a little water and ate a little of her unless something else happens during the night she is going to the vet first thing in the a.m. I know her heart is damaged due to her living with severe Heart Worms for so very long...she is 9 ish and has not exactly had the banter life or the care she should have gotten to maintain her heart and body as it should have been. What hurts the most is that she is now Heart Worm Negative...this should be the time she gets to bloom and enjoy her Golden Years...not suffer! I told her a few minutes ago that I have too many plans that include both her and Willa and this is not the year she is leaving us. Not today and not now. Addison has been a wreck...she loves Ava and she knows that she is not feeling well...Koko does not care for Ava one bit so when she went to her licking her head my spine went cold! These animals are incredibly instinctive. Amazing that when even a nemesis is hurt they show compassion. Lesson many Humans have yet to learn! My house is quiet. Not a good quiet, it is the kind of quiet where the dogs are just watching...not the type of quiet that is welcome here! They say that when you ask God to move a mountain for you that you should at least have a shovel....I am shoveling as hard as I can.....maybe if everyone of you can grab a shovel along side of us we can move some Mountains for the girls tonight! It sure would be appreciated! Good Night Everyone, I am just not in the right frame of mind for my usual witty and occasionally snarky spam!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:28:07 +0000

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