Detoxification is a process that requires nutrients and energy. - TopicsExpress


Detoxification is a process that requires nutrients and energy. One of the nutrients that fuels good metabolism and transport of toxins through the liver is protein. The building blocks of protein, amino acids, get coupled to a toxin so that it can be sent through the body to be eliminated in either bile (and then out through the small intestine and stool) or urine. Action Steps: Eat high-quality protein at every meal Use your Tracking Journal to assess your protein intake Note how you feel after eating protein and whether you have any digestive issues. Talk with a Functional Medicine practitioner if you have any gut issues that may need resolution. Good quality protein is essential during a detoxification program. Protein helps stabilize your blood sugar, which in turn keeps your hunger at bay. When possible, include some protein in every meal. High-quality proteins of any kind are the best choice, including lean, grass-fed, organic, non-GMO animal sources and wild-caught fish. If you are a vegan, eat nuts, seeds, and legumes. If you eat animal products, wild-caught fish, poultry, and turkey are your best options. If you choose to take a protein powder in a shake or smoothie, hypoallergenic rice or pea proteins are excellent choices. You can track your protein intake on the Tracking Journal by checking off the “P” box next to food intake to show that you ate protein in that meal. Animal and vegetable sources of protein count equally on this form! Notice how certain high-protein foods make you feel. Note whether you feel sluggish, energized, or grounded 30–90 minutes after eating. Do you feel satiated, or do you feel like eating again soon after the previous meal? Keep track of any changes in your body on your Tracking Journal so you can see whether a pattern emerges. For example, if you get bloated or feel distension every time you eat high amounts of protein, this result may tell you something about your digestion or that you may be intolerant to a food (food trigger). Here’s to getting healthy, quality protein in our daily diet! Deanna Minich, PhD, Host of the Detox Challenge
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:50:35 +0000

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