Di, I would always love to be like the humming bee which always - TopicsExpress


Di, I would always love to be like the humming bee which always thirsts for the nectar called love around the Blooming Flower filled with eternal love..You are that flower filled with never ending overflowing love and even an iota of it will satisfy my hearts content...Today is a day, which is not only important to you but very important for millions of us, for whom you have taken pains to uplift in their spiritual quest. Who in this Age of Kalyug , even bothers to pay heed for any one in pain and love every one unconditionally??. Who can pull out the strings of her heart and play it for those who have lost the music in their lives??. Who can be the epitome of love , which always serves as a Lighthouse for those who are lost in the sea of darkness?? , Who can serve others selflessly with out any expectations in return, with out even thinking for helping the once in need twice and jump into the whirlpool to save them??? Its just our very own Di...There may be just a handful like you in this wide wide world. Di, had we been just 5% of you, we would have turned this world in the age of Satyug the Golden era. Though, thats no easy task and we have to travel aeons or may have to take several births to live a life you are leading for the sake of others. Thats not easy Di. Human beings have a crazy breed called gossip mongers and free lancer advisers. People just have the habit of giving their free opinions and advises but when it comes to actually putting their foot in the dungeon to clean the debris, they just take 10 steps back..You my Di have pushed your self in the dungeon and have take the sole responsibility of cleaning and cleansing fellows like us who have been lost in the world of illusion. Must tell you Di, we your bacchas can write about you pages and pages but still that wont really match for what all you have done , to revive our souls from falling in disgrace..... If any of our endeavors can just bring a smile on your face , we will consider ourselves fortunate and will have an assurance that BABA has shown His mercy on us....Would want to end here, by wishing you again a very Happy Birthday and may BABA Bless you with life full of love and compassion and may you be a boon for those who are unknown of who our BABA is...We love you DI..Love you a lot :)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 19:03:39 +0000

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