Did you know that the origins of the Jewish ceremony of Brit Mila - TopicsExpress


Did you know that the origins of the Jewish ceremony of Brit Mila (circumcision) was a sanctification and a commitment by the Jewish People that they will protect G-ds Covenant to them of Eretz Israel, the Jewish Homeland, as an everlasting possession. Read the meaning of this weeks Torah reading from Rabbi Chaim Fachler, the rabbi of my shul, South Netanya Ashkenazi Congregation. It has great relevance today; Long before the our stay in Egypt, Abraham was given the commandment of Brit Mila [circumcision] for himself and for all future generations and our Parsha opens by repeating this Mitzva within the context of how many days is a woman considered impure after childbirth. If a survey was done researching which Mitzva almost ALL Jews keep, regardless of their individual level of observance, surely Mila would win hands down. It has survived thousands of years, and even when often attacked (to this day) as barbaric, Jews still fulfil this commandment, sometimes at an advanced age. Witness the many thousands of Russian immigrants who performed Mila upon arriving in Israel all those years ago. What is less known is the very strong and usually ignored connection between Brit Mila and our right to Israel! Let us review Parshat Lech Lecha [Genesis chapters 12 - 17]. HaShem talks to Avraham 4 times. First He directs him to leave home and go to Israel. Then, after Avraham and Lot part company HaShem reiterates His promise to grant Avraham and his future generations the Promised Land of Israel. After that we learn about the Brit bein Habetarim - The Covenant Between the Parts - which again deals primarily with the promise of our Homeland. The word Covenant (Brit) implies that two sides are involved. So what is our duty to fulfil this covenant? The fourth time HaShem talks to Avraham provides the answer. After changing Avroms name to Avraham, HaShem for the final time ratifies His part; 17:8 And I will give you and your offspring after you the land of your sojourns - The whole of the land of Canaan - as an everlasting possession; and I shall be a G-d to them. This is immediately followed by As for you, you shall keep My covenant - you and your offspring after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant which you shall keep between Me and you and your descendants after you: Every male among you shall be circumcised. There you have it. Black on white. No room for misinterpretation. HaShem granted us Eretz Yisrael, and in return we accepted on ourselves to perform the Brit Mila. And therefore, attacking the humanity of performing the Brit, is another method of delegitimizing the concept of a Jewish Israel. Those of us fortunate or brave enough to make our home here, the Brit Mila holds that much more significance. Those of you still living temporarily somewhere else, remember that the Mila is a Brit, and through our keeping our side of the bargain, HaShem keeps His. Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov, Rabbi Chaim Fachler
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:02:09 +0000

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