Did you know that there is a plant called Canola? Olive oil - TopicsExpress


Did you know that there is a plant called Canola? Olive oil comes from olives, oil of grapes come from the seeds of grapes, the peanut of the peanuts and the canola meal comes from…Seeds of oilseed rape. What is wrong with this picture? Many companies are selling the oil Canola as an alternative healthy, but the Canola oil is not more than an oil created by the man, made based on seeds of genetically modified oilseed rape. The problem with rapeseed oil is that it is so toxic that the FDA banned it in 1956 for human consumption. As well is that the Canadian producers created in the 70s a new variety of rape seed with less content of toxic eruct acid and decided that they would need a new name for this oil. Oil was called L. E. A. R. by its acronym in english (low erucic acid) cannot be used), but was changed to Canola by marketing issues, no company wanted the associated with a product called Snuff (rape), was also known that the rapeseed oil was toxic. The term Canola was formed using Canadian oil, low acid to convince consumers that it was new and better and also safe to consume. He was forbidden the use in food of the rapeseed oil probably because it attacks the heart and cause permanent degenerative lesions, has a best use as industrial lubricant, fuel, soap and as a basis for synthetic rubber. The truth is that the seeds of oilseed rape are the most toxic of all the plants from which oil is extracted. Or the insects they eat, seriously, the Rapeseed oil is a very effective insecticide and is the main ingredient in many pesticides organic (non-chemical) that are applied directly to the plants to kill bugs. In 1985, the Canadian government payment allegedly, the sum of $50 million to position the Canola oil in the list of GRAS (Generally known as insurance, by its acronym in English). The Canadian government subsidizes producers and harvesters of rapeseed (plant from which extracted the canola oil). This plant is economical, easy to grow and is repellent to insects in a natural way, in addition, canola oil is easy to use in the factories of processed food. To nominate a, almost all the peanut butter used to give the smoothness and that is spreadable. Eye: peanut butter must contain only natural salt and peanuts in the list of ingredients. Studies on the Canola oil fact in laboratory rats, indicate many problems as the degeneration of the heart, kidneys, and thyroid gland. When the oil was removed from the diets of these laboratory rats, the fat deposits disappeared but the scars caused by this degeneration, remain in the tissues of the affected organs. Why they were not made in the human studies before putting it in the list of known as safe by the FDA? The canola oil depressing the immune system and induces to sleep. It is high in glycosides can cause other health problems because they block the functioning of enzymes and their effects are cumulative, taking years to be detectable. A possible side effect of prolonged use of this oil is the destruction of the protective coating of the nerves called the myelin sheath. When this protective layer is just, our nerves have short circuit causing erratic movements and uncontrollable. Another problem is that all the Canola oil has been genetically modified. Finally, the canola oil is Trans Fat which has shown itself to be linked with cancer. The fat Trans Fat including the hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, cause damage to the walls of our cells and inhibits its correct oxygenation causing them to become cancerous. Prevents all kinds of canola oil! Energy for Life recommends that you use olive oil extracted from cold, the coconut oil, corn, sunflower, and anyone that comes from real plants and non-GMO. Please share this information among your contacts
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 05:41:19 +0000

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