Did you know the principal tents of Mohammedanism are laid down in - TopicsExpress


Did you know the principal tents of Mohammedanism are laid down in the Koran? As aids in interpreting the religious system of the Koran we have: first, the so-called Traditions, which are supposed to contain supplementary teachings and doctrine of Mohammed, a very considerable part of which, however, is decidedly spurious; second, the consensus of the doctors of Islam represented by the most celebrated imâms, the founders of the various Islamic sects, the Koranic commentators and the masters of Mohammedans jurisprudence; third, the analogy, or deduction from recognized principles admitted in the Koran and in the Traditions. Mohammeds religion, known among its adherents as Islam, contains practically nothing original; it is a confused combination of native Arabian heathenism, Judaism, Christianity, Sabiism (Mandoeanism), Hanifism, and Zoroastrianism. The system may be divided into two parts: dogma, or theory; and morals, or practice. The whole fabric is built on five fundamental points, one belonging to faith, or theory, and the other four to morals, or practice. All Mohammedan dogma is supposed to be expressed in the one formula: there is no God but the true God; and Mohammed is His prophet. But this one confession implies for Mohammedans six distinct articles: belief in the unity of God; in His angels; in His Scripture; in His prophets; in the Resurrection and Day of Judgment; and in Gods absolute and irrevocable decree and predetermination both of good and of evil. The four points relating to morals, or practice, are: prayer, ablutions, and purifications; alms: fasting; and pilgrimage to Mecca. Sounds like the Christian RELIGION to me .....just saying ;) Source: newadvent.org/cathen/10424a.htm
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 18:37:46 +0000

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