“Diet” Foods That Make You Fat Instead of Thin - TopicsExpress


“Diet” Foods That Make You Fat Instead of Thin ------------------------------- orthotropics.co.uk ------------------------------- Nutrition is full of all sorts of lies, myths and misconceptions. What people believe to be true is often the exact opposite of the truth. Here are 11 “diet” foods that are actually making people fatter. 1. Breakfast Cereals So-called “healthy” cereals are the worst foods you can possibly eat at the start of the day. They are usually loaded with sugar and refined carbs, which are some of the most fattening ingredients in existence (1, 2). Starting your day off with a processed cereal will spike your blood sugar and insulin levels. When your blood sugar crashes a few hours later, your body will call for another snack high in refined carbs (3). This is the blood sugar roller coaster that is familiar to people on high-carb diets. Seriously… READ the label. Most breakfast cereals, even those with health claims like “low-fat” or “whole grain” on the package, are usually loaded with sugar. If you’re hungry in the morning, eat breakfast… but choose something unprocessed and that has protein in it (like eggs and veggies). If you really must eat cereal for breakfast, find one that doesn’t include sugar or highly refined grains. 2. Agave Nectar Agave nectar (or Agave syrup) is often marketed as a natural alternative to sugar and high fructose corn syrup. The problem with Agave, is that it is not healthy at all. If anything, it is even worse than sugar. One of the main reasons sugar is so unhealthy, is that it contains excessive amounts of the simple sugar fructose. Whereas sugar contains 50% fructose, Agave contains as much as 70-90%! Of course, small amounts of fructose from fruit are fine, but consuming excessive amounts from added sugars can have devastating effects on metabolic health (4). High amounts of fructose can cause insulin resistance and chronically elevated levels of the fat storing hormone insulin (5, 6). It can also cause high triglycerides, elevated blood sugars, harmful effects on your cholesterol, abdominal obesity and a ton of other metabolic problems (7). If you think you’re doing your body a favor by replacing sugar with Agave, think again. You’re actually making things worse. Instead, use a natural sweetener that is low in fructose. Bottom Line: Agave is even higher in fructose than sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Excessive fructose consumption is strongly associated with obesity and all sorts of metabolic diseases. 3. Whole Wheat Bread Whole wheat is often recommended as a healthy alternative to refined wheat. Well… it’s true. Whole wheat is, at the very least, “less bad” than refined wheat. But one of the main problem with most whole grain foods, is that they aren’t made from actual whole grains. It is a marketing ploy. Almost without exception, the grains have been pulverized into very fine flour that is just as easily digestible and spikes blood sugar just as fast as the refined grains. In fact, whole wheat bread has a glycemic index (a measure of how quickly foods spike blood sugar) that is just as high as regular white bread (8). Whole wheat bread might contain a little more fiber and some more nutrients, but there really isn’t much difference when it hits your system. Plus, there really is NO nutrient in wheat (whole or refined) that you can’t get in even greater amounts from other foods. There are some grains out there that seem to be healthy for people who can tolerate them, but wheat definitely does NOT belong in that category. Many studies show that wheat (even “heart-healthy” whole wheat) can lead to health problems, especially in people who are sensitive to gluten (9, 10, 11). Bottom Line: Whole wheat bread is usually not made with actual whole grains. It spikes blood sugar just as fast as white bread and can contribute to various health problems. 4. Granola If granola is made with real ingredients, it certainly can be healthy. But it suffers from the same problem as most other “health foods.” When the food manufacturers start mass producing them, they alter them in a way that they aren’t healthy anymore. Granola contains some healthy ingredients like oats and nuts, but when you add sugar and oil to it and combine it in a package that encourages overconsumption, then it isn’t healthy anymore. Bottom Line: Granola is often highly processed and contains added sugar and oil. It is very energy dense and easy to overconsume. 5. Low Fat Yogurt Yogurt is often considered to be a healthy food… and it is. But the problem is that most yogurt found in stores is low-fat yogurt… which is highly processed garbage. When food manufacturers remove the fat from foods, they taste terrible. That’s why they add a whole bunch of other stuff to compensate for the lack of fat. In the case of yogurt, they usually add sugar, high fructose corn syrup or some kind of artificial sweetener. But new studies are showing that saturated fat is actually harmless… so low-fat yogurt has had the good stuff removed, only to be replaced with something that is much, much worse (12, 13). There is also no evidence that dairy fat contributes to obesity. In fact, one study showed that people who ate the most high-fat dairy products were the least likely to become obese (14)! So… eat real, full-fat yogurt, but avoid low-fat yogurt like the plague. Bottom Line: Low-fat yogurt is yogurt that has had the good stuff (saturated fat) removed, only to be replaced with something much worse, like sugar. 6. Commercial Salad Dressings Vegetables are very healthy. They’re loaded with nutrients, antioxidants, soluble fiber and various goodies. For this reason, salads are usually very healthy meals. However, a lot of people don’t like the bland taste of vegetables, so they add dressing to their salads. The problem with most commercial dressings is that they’re made with nasty ingredients like soybean oil and high fructose corn syrup. It is much better to make your own dressing. Something with extra virgin olive oil, vinegar and some spices is a much healthier option. Obviously, salad dressings can also be very high in calories and it is easy to consume a lot of them, which can be a major problem. 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Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 09:00:00 +0000

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