Disappearing blue-collar jobs and greater returns to increasingly - TopicsExpress


Disappearing blue-collar jobs and greater returns to increasingly competitive higher education give a tremendous edge to groups that disproportionately produce individuals driven, especially at a young age, to excel and to sacrifice present satisfactions for long-term gains. THE good news is that it’s not some magic gene generating these groups’ disproportionate success. Nor is it some 5,000-year-old “education culture” that only they have access to. Instead their success is significantly propelled by three simple qualities open to anyone. nytimes/2014/01/26/opinion/sunday/what-drives-success.html?smid=fb-nytimes&WT.z_sma=OP_WDS_20140127&bicmp=AD&bicmlukp=WT.mc_id&bicmst=1388552400000&bicmet=1420088400000&_r=0
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 22:09:16 +0000

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