Disappointing debate last night. Frustratingly boring on both - TopicsExpress


Disappointing debate last night. Frustratingly boring on both sides! Lots of interesting posts today though that I enjoyed much more. Still feel my newsfeed unbalanced though. The No Thanks gang definitely arent as vocal it would appear! Im just glad the referendum debate is making people wake up and see whats wrong with parts of our system- time for change indeed. Its just that I still think there are far more effective ways of change- real positive change that are less costly, disruptive and dangerous than any independence argument presented to me. Thats what I think we should be focussing on. Ditching Westminster and going it alone isnt a fix that I can believe in Im afraid. Well only end up switching our anger to Holyrood, I mean, what do they know about West of Scotlands problems.... and so it will go on.... The whole costly process will surely only hinder our ability to fund real solutions. Maybe if more people in Scotland had been more involved in politics (myself included) and more vocal before now some of the serious issues may not exist today- or at least not to such an extent. Blame less and do more! Thats my philosophy. Im fed up and embarrassed hearing the lists of problems our country faces that have been brought to light through the campaign more so now than ever before, and I can absolutely see why the idea of detaching ourselves from this sounds like a positive move, but you know what? Food banks are your fault. Mine too. So is the bedroom tax. We allowed it, but we can change it! Thats democracy. It seems to me that during this referendum campaign many of us are only now realising what our social responsibilities are. Pay attention, find out what decisions are being made on your behalf (and not from people like me on Facebook) stand up for what you feel to be right, VOTE in a way that will influence this, make whoever is in charge accountable by actively challenging them. Go to your local authority or MPs surgery and stop shouting at your telly. Because independence isnt a fix as far as I can see. Its nice idea but unnecessary to make Scotland the best it can be. We are too lazy and apathetic so as far as I can see this will create more problems than it solves. We can change things now if we all used the system to its full potential, but that requires a level of involvement and some sort of effort. An independent Scotland would get my vote if it offered a well laid out fair, ethical and structured solution that could make this easier. But it doesnt. I cant cast a vote towards a costly divorce with years and years of administrative proceedings using billions of pounds (yes pounds, sterling) that is quite clearly REALLY needing spent elsewhere right now. To me thats not only indulgent but immoral actually- for mostly the same reasons my Yes friends seem to share. I agree with you mostly it would seem... right up to the independence part.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:44:19 +0000

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