Disappointment and Complaining Read Numbers 11:1–20 - TopicsExpress


Disappointment and Complaining Read Numbers 11:1–20 Do everything without grumbling or arguing. Philippians 2:14 A July 1, 2003 article in Psychology Today argues that depression can be contagious. “Like the flu, depression is a highly contagious disorder that can be transmitted socially,” the article’s author Ellen McGrath observes. “It is especially apt to take up residence in a household, jumping from one family member to others. And just as individuals can be depressed, so can whole families, often without their awareness.” Complaining and disappointment also seem to be contagious and can be transmitted socially through conversation. Numbers 11:1–20 describes two instances of this during Israel’s journey through the wilderness. According to Numbers 11:1 they “complained about their hardships in the hearing of the Lord.” The Lord’s response suggests that more was involved than simply expressing dissatisfaction with their circumstances. An element of rage in their complaint sprang from an obstinate heart. The second instance of grumbling described in today’s passage involved the menu, as God’s people grew tired of the daily supply of manna. This discontent began with a small group (“the rabble with them,” v. 4) and eventually spread throughout the entire camp. It even affected Moses, whose frustration was so great that he asked God to end his life and relieve him of the burden of leadership. Moses vehemently did not approve of the congregation’s demand. The Hebrew text in verse 10 literally says that “it was evil in his sight.” Instead of blaming the congregation, however, Moses seems to have held God responsible for his troubles. According to verse 11 he complained, “Why have you brought this trouble on your servant? What have I done to displease you that you put the burden of all these people on me?” We learned from Job that God is big enough to absorb our complaints. Moses’ experience shows us that the spirit in which our words are expressed also matters to God. One reason God cares about this is because our words affect others. Ask God for a discerning spirit today so that you can weigh your words before you speak them.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 17:11:50 +0000

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