Dispatches from the Underground episode #227 is up! We talk - TopicsExpress


Dispatches from the Underground episode #227 is up! We talk about #punkisland2014 the whole episode. First we try and get some perspective on the event, strikes, gutters, whatever. We try to make sense of the day, and over come all that negative nancy shit. Secondly we break down how this is a community event, and what it takes to do a show like this. We do this by rolling out a big THANK YOU to all those who make this event possible. Over the last week Phill and I have been getting a lot of thanks, which is very kind. But honestly, it is only because other people love this scene, and each other so much that they are willing to put up NOT ONLY with all the pain it causes to make this happen, but the endless tyrannical wailing of Phill (or me, whatever). Im gonna tag SOME of the people we thank, but you can listen to hear how we thank you and whether we qualify it with conditions. Punk Island would not have been the same with out these people Firstly, let me thank my brother, Filthy Phill, I would not do a lot of this shit if he didnt do it with me. Aaron & clara from MMNY, Dyami and the whole ABC NO RIO HC/PUNK MATINEES crew, esp. Anaïs, Rey, Mel, Akuma, and Tom, Lyz Red of Candy Apple Red Productions and her boy toy Shawn Refuse, Ghostcat, Santos, Eli Shaffer and the rest of the Brooklyn TransCore crew, Pete, NCM, and The Black Clouds of the Gilligan Stage, Matthew, Dick, and the Taking Back Queens crew, Louis and Reyna of the Redletters stage The DftU crew! Kaitlyn, Corey and his bro, Sophia, Teleos, Taimure Bashir, Jason, Philippe, Marcello and Fuzzi, Géraud, Amy, Erin, Matthew, Michael and all the Blackout Shoppers, Justin and Jon from World War IX (WWIX), Gina, Craig and all the fellas in GANGWAY!, Kevin of Toys In Trouble, London Matt, Mxw Peter & Rob Miller of Felix, all the folks who helped out all day, some of you whose names I never even got. The BANDS! Some of you I have already mentioned, but also Milk Cup, Alouth, From Scratch. And esp the outta town band for coming from far away for nothign but a good time!!! Retreevers, Matty Vee (thanks for the amp help and Chris Baltrus for that quick help as well, and Rob from Repellers for coming up as well), Matthew and Billy from The Charley Few, Bill and Kimbo Rose from Absinthe Rose and of course Opposition Rising. I also wanna thank a few bands who did not play our stage, but helped a lot wih the show, and we wish we could have had play our stage if there was more time. Josh and the Cop Problem crew, Paul, Trey, and Tibbie from Reagan Youth, Empty Vessels, our FAMILY in Skarroñeros, Jsn Mit and Richard of As$troland, Kurt Stone and BAD LOOK, Sanchez Ronal and Kute Tonge of FELON, The Last Stand - NYHC, and Kevin, their merch guy Aaron, and the fellas in OH THE HUMANITY. THANK YOU ALL! Community is about being around the people you love and doing the shit you love, not simply because you love that in some selfish way, but because you realize that those relationships you have formed with those people who are so much like you are what define you far more than anything else. PROSPER TOGETHER///SUFFER TOGETHER!! Listen in to the episode and hear more. GET DOWN dispatchesfromtheunderground/
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:16:00 +0000

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