Do I Deserve Your Love? Chapter 3 In the next few days, Tauriel - TopicsExpress


Do I Deserve Your Love? Chapter 3 In the next few days, Tauriel got all better and her act of heroism impressed both Thranduil and Legolas. One day, as she sat down on a grassy clearing, Tauriel saw Elladan come by and smiled when he sat down beside her. That was nice what you did for the prince, he said, despite the way he has treated you. Come on Elladan, said Tauriel, if ever Legolas did that and seemed like he has a fault, it was because he wanted what was best for his kingdom. Hmph... huffed the ellon, Fine. But when he gets too hurtful for you, you just tell me...and Ill protect you. Hannon le, mellon nin. sighed Tauriel. She then felt Elladan wrap an arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. The captain just smiled and leaned in, enjoying the way his touch comforts her. She has known Elladan ever since childhood...and he was a friend that never left her side. Unknown to the two, Legolas caught sight of them from his balcony. He just watched for a moment how Tauriel and her friend laughed and had fun for each others company. For once, seeing Tauriel being the way she is wasnt annoying, instead, she seemed... Cute... he thought with a smug smile on his face. He cant help but think about her and how she looked like when she acted like a real captain back then. She had that sophisticated look on her face, and yet, she looked a wild, majestic beast. She was full of grace, like a princess, and yet, she has deadly accuracy, like a mad warrior. She was a perfect combination of both opposing sides, something Legolas hasnt seen all his life. Tauriel was unique. She was a fine elleth...such a fine elleth indeed. At last, he turned back and went into his room when a knock came on his door. Opening it, Legolas was shocked to see a familiar dark haired ellon from the guards. Elladan... he said, what are you doing here? I need to talk to you about something, prince. he replied, and his voice was firm, yet polite. Do you have a moment? Fine. said Legolas, what do you want to talk about? I want to talk to you about Tauriel. he whispered, surprising the ellon for a little while. What about the captain? asked the prince. With all due respect sire, I have to say that I do not appreciate the way you treat her. replied Elladan, and he anxiously waited for an answer. Why? asked the prince nonchalantly, but confusion lingered in his eyes, Are you saying that I treat her poorly? No, explained Elladan, what I mean is that... I can tell that it is hard for her. If you may, at least try to appreciate her for all the good that she has done you, she is trying really hard to step up to your demands and qualifications, and yet, all that you notice are her flaws. Legolas was silent and continued to listen. Tauriel was willing to put her life at risk for the sake of getting your least let her feel that you appreciate all the things shes done for you. Are you saying that I dont appreciate her? he challenged, stepping up to him. Unfortunately for the prince, Elladan was taller and the ellon loomed over him easily. Do you? he asked back. Then, he stepped back and sighed. If you dont mind ernil nin...I have to go now. Legolas scowled a bit, but nodded nonetheless. Go. he whispered, and Elladan left the scene as briskly as possible. Deep inside, Legolas knew that there was some truth in the ellons words. He didnt appreciate Tauriel...and he kept belittling her instead. The very next day, at early dawn, one of the kings minstrels sent word that a huge celebration was going to be held in three days. Everyones help was required...even the guards. Tauriel was alright with it, and she proceeded to work right away. Her job was to hang lanterns atop tall poles and some tree branches, along with the other elves of course, and make sure they stay in place. Legolas began to supervise his subjects work when he looked up and laid eyes on Tauriel, who was hanging the lanterns as she was supposed to. For a while, he stood in place, looking at her. The elves worked til dusk and after doing another round of inspection, he laid eyes Tauriel once more...but then, something happened. An elf came rushing forward and failed to notice the ladder that he ran right to it and made it wobble. Worse, was that Tauriel was on top. The elleth had no other option and just jumped with a yelp. Thanks to his quick reflex and thinking, Legolas caught Tauriel, and this time, he didnt fall back and hit his head on the floor. Legolas saw her nearly pale face and her wide eyes looking with both incredulity and gratitude at him. Ernil nin, she stammered, I- I, uh, Your welcome. said Legolas and gently laid her down. For a moment, they smiled softly at each other, and Legolas picked up the lanterns Tauriel dropped. Unknown to the two, Elladan was watching, and a pained look swept across his face.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 12:15:15 +0000

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