Do You Get Mad, Angry, Frustrated at the Wrong People, at Wrong - TopicsExpress


Do You Get Mad, Angry, Frustrated at the Wrong People, at Wrong Time, or at Wrong Place? That is Displacement of Suppressed Energy. Displacing energy is directing energy unjustly-toward the wrong person, at the wrong place, or at the wrong time. PROBLEM: If you suppress energy instead of letting it out, it will eat you from the inside out or it will explode out toward another person, wrongly & unjustly. Rarely can this energy be completely transmuted.... without involving those who you got in the mess with . SIGNS of suppressed energy: Youll notice that you tend to easily get angry, frustrated, or elevated blood pressure at something that apparently should not put you that way. Other signs are chronic illness that is hard to track the causes, feisty-ness at people in general, or chronic self-hate or hatred toward people....because this suppressed energy is often dormant in blind spots. I personally have had my shares of these experiences and I know that it was suppressed energy displacing out afterward. Sometimes, I just dont know where it is or how it got there. To transmute or transform the suppressed energy, I have used screaming, meditations, weight training, martial art kicking & punching, and all kind of INDIRECT transmuters....They DONT WORK for me. If they work, they work temporarily, but when I think about the situations again, the energy comes back up as anger/frustration/regrets with should of, could of. Because of my experiences, I can sense displacement easily in many people. SOLUTIONS: Here is the solution I found to work FANTASTICALLY=Directly confront the person. This is DIRECT TRANSMUTATION. You dont have have to be rude or obnoxious, but.... if you find it justly/fairly to give them piece of your mind, do it. Once done, thank the person for being a part of your life & then tell them goodbye/have a nice life. Now, thank yourself for releasing that dense energy. Thank the body for the experience of holding it. Go treat yourself because you have accomplished a very deep-direct clearing, releasing and letting go. You will feel great; your energy will start to harmonize & balance again. Youll find you rarely have energy displacement again, and you can sense displacement among people and within people. Note: Sometimes, youll be surprised that the person will thank you for letting them know because they have no idea, clueless that they made you feel that way. Sometimes, they would offer to repair the relationship; it is up to you to accept the offer or reject it.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 15:27:10 +0000

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