Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in - TopicsExpress


Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1 A troubled heart is unstable and fearful, but a trusting heart is steady and peaceful. Uncertain circumstances swirl around our soul seeking to suck it into a vortex of distrust. However, by faith we choose to remain on God’s glassy sea of trust rather than be tossed about on a raging river of unbelief. Every day we have a choice to let our heart be troubled or to let it be trusting. A life challenge can agitate us or grow us. Trust changes exhausting unrest into life giving tranquility. No doubt each disciple felt a flurry of emotions that pushed them to the edge of an anxious heart. Jesus just exposed one of their own as an impostor. He instructed them in a standard of love that required their radical service and to lay down their life. Jesus rebuked Peter twice for his rash responses. He reminded them all that His death was imminent and they couldn’t go with Him. Thus, He reassures them by saying, “Trust,” “Trust God, trust Me.” Trust Me. I am trustworthy! “You who still the noise of the seas, The noise of their waves, And the tumult of the peoples” (Psalm 65:7). What competes with your trust in God? A sense of being overwhelmed by all that needs to get done? A money management mishap that could grow into a financial free fall? A relational conflict? Fear of losing your job? Fear of failure? Fear of the future? A health scare? A nagging frustration you can’t resolve in your mind? Anger issues? A need to forgive? Whatever rivals your rest in Christ, let go of its draining demands and let God take over. His peace guards your heart. Trust in God through Jesus Christ is much more than a cold intellectual exercise. It is a heart felt embrace of His presence, His promises and His power. Theism, or the belief in God, is an incomplete faith without trust in Christ as the Son of God. Its good to be a God fearer, but it is not enough without grace through faith and being a recipient of Jesus into your heart. A Spirit filled heart is a joy filled heart. Turmoil exits a heart when Jesus enters. So, trust and rejoice in His comfort! “Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones” (Isaiah 49:13). Prayer: Heavenly Father, I let go of my fears and frustrations and trust You to handle them.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:12:00 +0000

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