Do you base your faith on feelings, or do you search it out by - TopicsExpress


Do you base your faith on feelings, or do you search it out by reading and study tools, and seeing what the bible says. Because a careful exercise of reason is not important in understanding what the Bible says for many of us, it takes work!! Unfortunately the truth of faith and reason has led to even more of a trendything among many modern day evangelicals. Let there be a separation of the secular and the sacred? Let one flow into the other, if not everyone will break off and have their own views. I for one like corporate worship, not saying small groups are wrong but I love the body coming together in unison. Sunday school, training programs, new convert classes all have a part in developing Christians. Sunday morning is a great time for the corporate body of Christ to come together and worship our God. Sometimes the church is intellectually under attack, and are not trained to deal with this. So when our children graduate and leave for the secular world, what then? They dont return back to their roots, they seek after what the mind has produced, materialism and have become marginalized if thats their view of church. If a person does not feel conviction, a need for Christ, then for the gospels sake its a lost cause. To live, to walk and to share the love that Christ has so given us has begun to steadily create a debate. You believe what you want but dont put your belief on me, or dont impose them on me. Politics, everything seems political, political power is a surrogate for a Higher Power!! Where does this leave the church? There is a crisis, and honor is at risk. If we are to be salt of the earth then we must be taught to love The Lord with all our heart and all our soul!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 18:35:40 +0000

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