Do you ever look around and think, This is not the country that I - TopicsExpress


Do you ever look around and think, This is not the country that I grew up in...? So many people are making this realization. Theyre utterly disgusted by what they see happening at home. And they feel powerless to stop it. Think about whats happened just in the past year: The US government has brazenly continued its arrogant domestic spying program despite overwhelming public opposition. So much for a government for the people... Banks in Italy and the UK have begun limiting how much customers can withdraw. Banks in the United States have begun restricting their customers international wire transfers. And of course, banks in Cyprus completely froze people out of their accounts. Everyone from the International Monetary Fund to leading Harvard economists have been calling for capital controls (which could lock your money inside a failing banking system). Wealth taxes are also being proposed... again by the IMF, as well as the German central bank. They’re coming for your retirement savings as well. Poland nationalized private pension funds last year, and the brand new US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has already hinted at “helping” Americans manage their IRA accounts. Brand spanking new taxes were rolled out on 1/1/2014 in the Land of the Free, including a capital gains tax increase from 15% to 23.8%. This is a proportional increase of over 58%. President Obama quietly signed an Executive Order that gives Homeland Security the ability to control and shut down the nations communications systems upon the Presidents request. As of January 10, 2014, 47.4 million Americans were receiving food stamps. Thats more than 15% of the entire population. And its 70% higher than in 2008 when the financial crisis began. According to a recent IRS report, tax requirements have become so confusing and the compliance burden so great that taxpayers are giving up their U.S. citizenship in record numbers 2013 already saw violent unrest in some of the most stable countries in the world like Sweden, all underpinned by absolute disgust for the status quo. The list goes on and on. But the big picture trend is crystal clear: we are in a terminal decline.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:35:53 +0000

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