Do you have money in the Stock Market? Ive taken all my money - TopicsExpress


Do you have money in the Stock Market? Ive taken all my money out of the stock market and am planning to put more into Peer-to-peer lending. For the way it typically is used, the Stock Market seems to me to operate like a giant Ponzi scheme. It also has too much risk for my taste, unless we focus on Index funds. Most importantly, my values dont align with publicly-traded corporations whose legal fiduciary responsibility -- what they *must* do -- is to maximize shareholder profit. Their purpose and responsibility is not to create employee well-being and happiness, nor to foster sustainable and healthy communities. Its to grow short term shareholder value... e.g. daily trading. By contrast, peer-to-peer lending is about helping everyday people, e.g. loans to start small businesses; consolidating high-interest loans into a lower-interest one; or simply to get emergency cash at a fair interest rate. Gratefully, the returns to us investors also tend to be higher than stock market index funds. The two major players in the peer-to-peer lending space are: Lending Club LendingClub Prosper Prosper Check it out. Think about it! --- #P2PLending #Investing #StockMarket #IndexFunds
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:35:28 +0000

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