Do you know something? TODAY is the beginning of the rest of your - TopicsExpress


Do you know something? TODAY is the beginning of the rest of your life!!!! The past is just that: the past. There is nothing that you can do to change anything in it. If you have hurt someone although you apologise they might still carry that hurt and unforgiveness. If you have done something awesome, well that was then :) we cannot dwell on the past as all it will do is make us unhappy. Repent of anything you know you did that was contrary to God and leave the past where it belongs: in the past!!! The present is where we are now. The present, today, this very minute is what you can change. Are you angry at someone about something in the past? Even if it was a minute ago, it is now no longer in the present but in the past!!!! Get over it!!! Forget about it and move on. The Lord Jesus has forgiven you many things and He does not hold a grudge nor does He recall it once you have repented. That is how we should be towards each other. Yes, we are going to disagree and maybe be hurt or hurt others, but we need to forgive NOW and FORGET!!!!! That is the most difficult part isnt it? It is so easy to always go and dig up the old rotten wrongs just to justify how we are reacting now. Come on precious brothers and sisters, let us love one another and forgive one another. Blood is thicker than water and we have the precious Blood of Jesus covering us. Enjoy the present for that is what it is: a present from God. All neatly wrapped up just waiting for us to unwrap it like a child on Christmas morning!!! When last have you seen that excitement and anticipation of a child who has been presented with a present? Well every morning our Father wakes you up and presents a new day all wrapped up ready for you to open and do with what you will. Use it wisely and remember the present does not last long then it is the past but each day we are blessed with another till the Lord calls us back home. The future: now this can be exciting or it can be scary or we can be looking to it with apprehension. But you know what: Jesus is there already!!! He holds the future in His hands so why not just leave it right there??!!! It feels good to know we dont have to worry about it doesnt it? What a blessing!!! So brothers and sisters, this is where we stand right now: live for the present and do all you can to walk in the Ways of the Lord. Bless each other while the day is today, worship the Lord and sing His praises today. Do not put off doing things for tomorrow that you can do today for tomorrow is not promised to us, only today. Thank the Lord each morning that He wakes you up for today is a new day and is the present given to us by our Heavenly Father. Bless you all.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:19:57 +0000

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