Do you remember the story of Athaliah and Joash in 2 Kings - TopicsExpress


Do you remember the story of Athaliah and Joash in 2 Kings 11:1-17? That wicked woman set out to murder the entire royal family, but one son was saved as a baby, and he became a type of Christ. When he was older, Jehoiada the priest brought back that royal son, Joash, and ousted the murderess. She turned up one day to discover armed men confronting her, trumpets blowing, and the people rejoicing, with a prince revealed whom she had thought she had done away with and killed. Athaliah was taken prisoner, and paid for her crimes with her life. We read that a mighty angel will lay hold of the “dragon, that serpent of old, who is the Devil and Satan,” binding him and casting him into the bottomless pit, shutting him up and setting a seal on him, “so that he should deceive the nations no more” (Revelation 20:1 3). Then we shall see the King in His glory. The trumpets will sound, the people rejoice, the true King will reign in mercy and understanding – JESUS, the Lamb on the throne. The very One the devil tried to destroy at Calvary, the royal son, the One so many do not know is there and who many say does not exist, will be revealed in all His ancient glory, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. What a day that will be. God bless you. REINHARD BONNKE.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 12:30:34 +0000

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