Do you still have children in GOV and under their control? Are you - TopicsExpress


Do you still have children in GOV and under their control? Are you afraid if you post you will lose them forever? To the contrary, if GOV investigations receive the fuel of your testimony, disclosing ongoing abuses, you will get your children back. They will have nowhere else to go. Every day testimony is withheld, the day of reconciliation slips further into the distance, and can be lost forever. Silence is the risk, not testimony. Right now, the children and cult leaders are in control. The parent/child role has been reversed. They are able to test your boundaries and their own. They are empowered to alienate you. They can criticize and accuse their own family members without opposition. They can do what they want, where they want, and all the while they can see your open arms of submisssion. Your silence of testimony condones it. Your silence of testimony validates it. The more silent you remain, the more powerful Kay and Julie appear to these girls. Kay, Julie and the girls, have the upper hand. Nothing opposes the false doctrine, nor the abuses against the girls, and the lies about you appear valid. They use YOUR fear against you, to continue the division. The Hiramines describe your silence and submission as- your families do not speak up because they know we are right and they do not want the truth of their wickedness to be exposed....the wicked fear the righteous. That is the result of your silence. Your silence is an active stance that further extends the distance between yourself and your children. Each day of silence further dismantles the process of reconciliation and ruins the ability to restore the girls mental and spiritual health. In the minds of these young ladies the facts have all be flipped around in a classic form of sinister psychological torment and projection. They are entombed by deceit and fear and YOUR silence seals the door and welds it shut. If you crack the silence, you crack the seal on the door. The girls are choking and suffocating inside on lies. They need true oxygen and the breath of truth, and a glimpse of reality. Sure, they will initially deny it. They will protest and fight it. They will defend the new mother and father theyve chosen (Kay and Julie). But, for the first time the pressure will build and it will no longer be able to be concealed. The door to the tomb of their minds will be pulled open, and the truth they suppress down deep in their gut will begin to stir. It will occur inside all of them, simultaneously, under coordinated guidance. Your testimony of truth has that power. To win the battle we must circle the wagons and leave no hole for evil to shoot through. YOU complete the circle. Lets look at another consequence of your silence. Silence is an accomplice. You KNOW these girls are being misled. You KNOW they are being abused and lied to. You know they are being placed regularly in the prayer chair, continually broken down emotionally, and reprogrammed to idolize Kay and Julie, and to despise you. You know your family is torn apart. You suspect worse things are happening in your gut, but try to avoid the notion. And- you are silent. Afraid. Kay and Julie say you wont speak up because you are an abuser yourself. They tell your girls you are wicked. They tell the girls that their own parents will try at any opportunity to mislead and destroy their own children. They preprogram your children over months and years to believe they were actually abused by you. They get your children to challenge you, oppose you, belittle you, reject you. They put them in a big house and pretend to know whats best for them. Through your children they play on your insecurities. They are expert shepherds of doubt and confusion. The Hiramines have taken possession of your children. They do NOT want to give you daughters up. They want them for themselves. They want to control creatures smaller and younger, and more innocent. They want submission from your girls to feel exalted themselves. They want your girls to be enslaved to their every personal, professional, household, and manipulative need. Kay and Julie have inner rage and personal desires they sickly project onto your children as they break them down brick by brick. Once they have the girls demoralized and programmed do anything for approval and relief from the accusations and grim descriptions of their inner selves (revealed through the spirit), they slap on some business titles. They give them responsibilities to serve for free, for years. They keep them in a big house, they place them on jet planes, and they position them as luring facades in front of huge rooms of other vulnerable kids. They build them up in public like jet-setting celebrities. They give them exotic travel and get your girls sick and drowning in egotistical indulgence and a false sense of power and purpose. The girls are told their saving the world, but cant see how theyve been manipulated to crave the attention, materialism, approval, fabricated power and influence over others, and fear of deprivation and abandonment. They belief theyd never experience such unique and amazing things without Kay and Julie. They believe the Hiramines are a once in a lifetime opportunity. Lust has not been purged from anyones system, it has simple been reprogrammed for a different form of satisfaction. Their souls have been bought, and they dont realize yet they dont own them anymore. Like a crazed Hollywood celebrity that needs to hit rock bottom before waking up, they need to see bottom or theyll never leave, or worse. Your testimony is the first step in helping them wake up and reclaim their souls. YOUR TESTIMONY is rock bottom. They are at the bottom of a dark and sinister well, but the walls are painted with images of opulence and indulgence, and a fabricated celebrityhood whose stage is built on deceit and evil. YOUR TESTIMONY pulls back the curtain and shows them the walls theyve allowed to be built around them, are a wicked illusion. Your testimony exposes how their egos have been used against them to mislead them. They will see it, but only when the flood lights of your testimony hit the walls of the well, and the lid is slid back so all those around them can look inside, and see the truth revealed. The public, the churches, the financing sources, the media and the unsuspecting accomplices will never, NEVER be invited to look behind the curtain of abuse. WE MUST take what lies behind the curtain to the people. You must help expose it to end it, to get your daughters back. Today some of us are afraid to lose whats already lost. Give you testimony and change your destiny. YOUR LIFE CAN ONLY CHANGE FOR THE BETTER. Do not allow Kay and Julie to use the undercurrents of extortion and intimidation to drive you to your knees in submission to them. They are frauds. They are cons. THIS TIME you are not alone. There is more going on behind the scenes than you know. The machine is running to end abuse and bring your daughters back, and YOUR testimony fuels the machine. The girls have already left, already rejected you, and in many cases, already accused you of horrific offenses. Until opposed, their truth IS THE ONLY TRUTH that exists. FINALLY, you have the ability to unite with others for comfort, and take a stand against true evil. This is the moment youve been waiting for that turns the tide. Already reports are online anonymous and freely identified that will never be removed. Outsiders who would be victims will search online and be warned. STRENGTHEN THAT PROTECTIVE WARNING TO OTHERS WITH YOUR TESTIMONY. Trust Gods hand on this. The parents I have spoken to all report the same thing. Their own children believe their parents are spiritually diseased, wicked and doorways to evil that will destroy the cult. They call Kay, Dad. Its sick. Its demented. Its wrong. Post your testimony and well take it from there. Folks, if your kid is there, something has to change. Without disclosure abuses continue and the brainwashing deepens. Imagine a different scenario: Church groups read testimony after testimony and recoil from support. They truncate Hiramines access to their congregation and protect their families and children. Tens of thousands of people on all the connected social media friend-lists are suddenly exposed to ALL the links and testimonials that scatter strategically and instantaneously across all the media, and affiliate outlets. Phones begin ringing off the hook. Would-be recruits, parents and seminar followers begin asking for answers to the testimonies of years of abuse. Church groups and financing sources burn up the Hiramine cell phones. People begin insisting to know if these atrocities are occurring and asking for explanations. Imagine it simultaneously hitting the press, and all of these happening in the US and abroad. Imagine the Hiramines finally being exposed and called out, and thrown off-balance not knowing how to respond. Imagine how many individuals and organization will rightfully and suddenly want to distance themselves. Imagine class action suits being filed against the Hiramines to follow, and you being able to sign a form and opt in. There are a lot of discussions, a lot of plans, a lot of developing ideas, and there is a lot of work going into stopping this abuse, coming from numerous sources. YOUR TESTIMONY FUELS THE MACHINE. The Hiramines attempt to explain this approaching storm as an evil attack on their innocent ministry holds no water because of YOUR testimonies! Imagine the struggles they experience FINALLY not being able to conceal it anymore. This cult will end, but each of us needs the other, right now. There is no greater priority. The girls are in harms way and your silence of testimony straps and binds them to the train tracks in front of a ten ton locomotive of despair bearing down on them. This train is proven in its path of destruction through similar cases across hundreds of years. If the parents are not the rescuers, who is? The hero has no regard for themselves. The firefighter runs into the burning building. Christ carries his cross to the crucifixion after being beaten near death. All thats required is your testimony. Let go and let faith. Post it now.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 17:47:42 +0000

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