Do you want to know what I realized today?? I realized that I - TopicsExpress


Do you want to know what I realized today?? I realized that I will be a 2 year former smoker in February 2015! I used to be a pack a day smoker! I would wake up and that was the FIRST thing I would do! I still remember the conversation that Shawn Fette had with me about how he loved me and wanted me to be around for MANY years with him, and he was worried that smoking was going to cause that to not happen. It hit me so deep because I realized at that moment I wanted that too! I also realized that was the same thing my Grandmother wanted for her and my Grandfather years ago. They had plans to travel when they retired. Long story short, my Grandfather got emphysema really bad AFTER he retired. Needless to say my Grandpa wasnt able to travel because he couldnt breathe. I remember my Grandpa being sick, that is the only true memories I have of him. He couldnt walk 20 feet to the bathroom from the couch where he spent his last years because he COULDNT BREATHE! He ended up committing SUICIDE because he couldnt take it anymore! That is why when Shawn spoke those words to me that night on the car ride home, I decided the very next day I was NOT going to smoke anymore. It wasnt easy, I got the patch for the MENTAL part of it, but I remembered that conversation and am so glad that he spoke those words to me because here I am today...a former smoker and ACCOMPLISHED! 16 years of smoking and those words changed my life! Thanks baby for helping me change my life in so many ways!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 17:24:04 +0000

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