Doable - October 7, 2014 I consider that our present sufferings - TopicsExpress


Doable - October 7, 2014 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.....We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time., Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently. -Romans 8:18,22-25 I have said this before, and I will probably say it again. Can it get any worse? Not only are we bombarded moment by moment with threats to our economy and security of our country, we also have personal fears. Just in the last week, I have heard of friends and acquaintances with new cancer diagnoses ....yes even children. Prices in the grocery store continue to go up exponentially, I dont even want to talk about medical costs, and our very incomes are threatened. New illnesses are popping up everywhere, and the morality around us makes us shiver when we consider our children and our grandchildren. Im not talking about silly, minor issues here that would only be the concern of a worry wart. Im talking BIG STUFF. Things that concern anyone, unless they are clueless. And I REALLY think its getting worse all the time. I know when the personal stuff happens to me or someone I love, I am tempted to think.....Why? Why me (or him, or her)??????? We all face trials, some of us seemingly relentlessly. Difficulties in marriage, children who are headed in a direction we fear or who are alienated from us, illnesses, problems with friends and family, a difficult situation at work......the list goes on and on. Sometimes it seems like we are being endlessly persecuted.....and maybe we are. I read an article this morning in Dr. Stanleys In Touch magazine entitled Trials for the Annointed by Tony Woodlief. In it, he reminds us about Jesus experience with trials. Right after his baptism, Jesus was sent into the desert, tempted incessantly by the devil for 40 days. Woodlief makes the point of a direct connection between being anointed and hardship. If it happened to our Lord, why do we expect to be spared? This is one reason why we should be so wary of those who preach a prosperity gospel. I have in mind one particular popular preacher, who constantly tells his followers how happy, prosperous, and carefree we should be as Christians. Really? I think if most of us are truthful, we can say we missed that boat! Joyful......yes. Jesus gives those who serve Him a deep abiding joy. But happy all the time.........uh no! Woodlief also talks about Peter. When we think of Peter denying Christ 3 times, we tend to think of him as a weak, spineless believer. But Woodlief reminds us that Jesus told Peter he was about to be sifted. Luke 22:31-32 says: And the Lord said Simon, Simon! Indeed Satan has asked for you that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith should not fail, and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.(NKJV) Can you imagine? Being told by Jesus that you are being turned over for sifting, with the job of strengthening others because of the trial? Well, I believe that is exactly what happens to us as Christians. We dont experience anything He doesnt allow, and yet He is praying for us to keep strong, and to use the experience to grow and help others. As I look back on my sordid and painful experiences, I can see each one with the wisdom of time. I know they were all placed there.....even the more painful I could use them for His Glory. I didnt realize it at the time, and usually I was kicking and screaming during the process, but in hindsight I consider them blessings. In order to make every attempt to complete his agenda, I believe Satan will go to any length to make us ineffective as Christians. This is a classic way he goes about it. The feelings of being harassed by constant issues when serving God are not unusual. Woodlief writes: ........Even when proclaiming Peters faith, Christ knew its weakness and paved the way for its strengthening, as He does for all who persevere. That strengthening is essential, because an anointing not only gives one a greater height from which to fall; it also sparks a light that the darkness hates. We just finished a ladies retreat entitled Loving Well. It was teaching us to love those in our lives as we experience the love God has for us. Passing it on so to speak. If that doesnt spark a light in the darkness, I dont know what does. So you see, even if you are doing the smallest thing in His name, the light you spark puts the evil one into action. The more difficulty and emotional distress he can pour on you, the more difficult it is for that light to shine from you. He wins that round, and we lose the opportunity to shine that light for Jesus. Christ promises to be there for us....that no matter what : And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. - John 10:28 So when it all pours down on us.....the national and international events, the health issues, the family problems, the stress and strain....... we can be comforted by the truth of our protection, the plan, and our security in Him. And that makes this difficult life doable.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 13:19:11 +0000

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