***Doctor Who Series 8 Spoilery Discussion*** ***Very Very Long - TopicsExpress


***Doctor Who Series 8 Spoilery Discussion*** ***Very Very Long Post*** . . . . . . . . . . . . Let me start out by saying that I was incredibly pleased with Deep Breath for so many reasons. Ive seen it twice now. I didnt have subtitles in the cinema and it helps me because of my hearing problems to be able to read things. Mainly its Peter Capaldis accent, but Ill get used to it. I just need to adjust to the inflections and such. I did not need to be convinced that Capaldi would do a good job. In fact, I was completely certain that he would, so it was no surprise that he was fantastic in the role. The most important part of the episode, at least for me, was Clara. Clara has had a rough run as a companion. When she first came in, there is no denying that she was purely a plot device and that diminished her character a great deal as a result. During The Day of the Doctor she was overshadowed by the fact that there were three Doctors in the story. In The Night of the Doctor we got a bit more from her, and she certainly was able to be seen more as a character than she had before. However, once again she was overshadowed by the fact that Matt Smith was leaving the show and the whole Trenzalore thing. I think what Deep Breath did best, and this is partly because of the extended running time allocated to it, was give Clara a chance to be an actual companion and not be a plot device or in the shadows. Even though it was Peter Capaldis first appearance, they gave Clara so much to do, and I came out of this episode liking her far more than I did going in. I think having Vastra, Jenny and Strax there helped as well, and I think it made sense. If youre going to have Clara be somewhat conflicted towards the Doctor as they did, there needs to be something familiar, and these three were perfect for that. Plus, I dont need an excuse for Strax to be around. Anyways, I think its time to address the big question. Who is this Missy character? I dont know how much discussion there has been on the subject yet, as Im not an active participant in the Doctor Who fandom, but I believe that she is the Master. Hear me out. Missy. The name could be shortened from Mistress which is the opposite (in some cases) of Master. Also, her being the Master gives a reason as to why she refers to the Doctor as she did. Plus, all the mentions of the promised land reminded me just a bit about Utopia, and we know how much the Master was involved in that. I did consider River, but unless River regenerated into Missy before she got married to the Doctor (explains the boyfriend mention) and later regenerated back into the form of River Song (It has been established that Time Lords can choose a face if they try hard enough), I doubt it very much. I do honestly believe that River will return to the show. Her story is not complete, and I still remember her meeting the Tenth Doctor and what she said then leads me to believe that she has to see Doctors after Eleven. Now, the thing that Twelve keeps mentioning about his face and his failing memory (he spent a LONG time on Trenzalore and had a bad aftershock with his regeneration, of course he will forget things), it is obviously pointing to the fact that there was a man in The Fires of Pompeii who looks exactly like him (played by Capaldi, so of course he does). I have questioned how he will eventually remember this, because it seems important. One conclusion Ive come to is Donna. If he somehow manages to extract the memory from Donna (I have several theories), she should remember it more clearly than he does and it might give him a clue as to what hes trying to tell himself by utilising this particular face. Its probably just wishful thinking on my part, because Donna is my favourite. I just want her back. But what is he trying to tell himself? That he should be more compassionate. Remember, the man Capaldi played then was saved by the Doctor, despite him not wanting to do so at first. Does it have anything to do with Amy? She was in that episode as Capaldis characters daughter. I doubt that one, but its possible. Is it something to do with Gallifrey? Is the volcano representative of what the Doctor believes will happen if he allows Gallifrey to return again? All in all, I am very intrigued to see what happens in this Season. Peter Capaldi is great. Im liking Clara a lot more. Ive got some Strax. Im excited. ~Colin, The Master of Whisperers
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 09:23:13 +0000

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