Documentary Report for the Situation of Palestinian Refugees in - TopicsExpress


Documentary Report for the Situation of Palestinian Refugees in Syria #Action_Group_for_Palestinians_of_Syria Sunday, 28th of December 2014, No.786 “The Macedonian Authorities Cut Water and Power to Stop the Refugees Hunger Strike” • A Palestinian Young man Died Due to Torture in the Syrian Regime Prions. • The Yarmouk Camp in Damascus is Without Water for 110 Days. • The Power Came Back at Al Nairab Camp in Aleppo. • A Palestinian Refugee was Arrested at Homs. • The Turkish Embassies Continue the Suspension of the Palestinian Syrian Refugees Visas. #Victims The AGPS received news about the death of the young man Raafat Mahmoud Al Touba due to torture in the Syrian regime prisons at #Homs. He is in his twenties from #AlAedein_camp, originally from Safoureia city in Palestine, and he was arrested since 17-1-2013, while the Action Group could not make sure of these news. #Recent_Updates One of the refugees, who are detained at Ghazi Baba prison in the Macedonian city of Skopje, confirmed, to the AGPS, that about 450 Syrian and Palestinian refugees are continuing their hunger strike despite the Macedonian authorities cutwater and power as a punishment procedure to force them to stop their hunger strike. The refugee said, about the details of the detention, and who asked not to mention his name for fear of being harassed by the Macedonian police, that around 450 refugees, women, youth and children, including dozens of #Palestinian_refugees, are detained in the Macedonian prison in harsh living conditions for a period ranging between 45 days and 5 months, he also confirmed the assaults of a number of refugees who were severely beaten. The refugee also added that they are detained in narrow place, where there is no warm water for bathing in spite of the cold weather which led to infection of many children with skin and respiratory diseases, noting that the doctor in charge of them refuses to provide any treatment for them. In addition that the food is only some butter, jam and a loaf of bread and sometimes canned sardines, noting that all those reasons, in addition to not release them has led to the hunger strike, which was faced by the Macedonian authorities with greater stenosis, as they cut off electricity and water in an attempt to prevent them from continuing their strike which began several days ago, as he emphasized the continuation of refugees on hunger strike until they are released as happened with some of them several weeks ago. The detained refugee said that the Macedonian authorities detain us as witnesses to the smuggler, who took us from #Macedonia to #Greece, aswe were supposed to follow our journey towards the Nordic countries, but while we were in a houses in Macedonia, the police raided the apartment of the smuggler and arrested them several weeks ago. The refugee renewed his call for the Palestinian Embassy in Bulgaria, the PLO, the Palestinian factions, the international organizations led by #UNRWA, the human rights organizations,and the human rights activists to intervene and work to put an end to their suffering and release them to complete their way to get to northern #Europe. It is noteworthy that Macedonia has become one of the stations which the Palestinian refugees fleeing the war in Syria, where they complete their way after their arrival in Greece then Macedonia and finally complete their destination. As in #Syria, the water cuts in the #Yarmouk_camp in #Damascus for 110 days respectively, in light of the severe living and health crisis suffered by the besieged camp for about 540 days, while the checkpoints of the regular army and groups of the PFGC are preventing the introduction of ration and medical supplies to the camp with the exception of small amounts were intermittently entered by some international organizations. It is mentioned that the siege has led to the death of 157 refugees because of malnutrition and medical services shortage. In #Homs, the Syrian security forces arrested the Palestinian refugees, Talal Ghriri from his place of work in Jender thermal station at Homs, and took him to an unknown destination a few days ago, it is mentioned that the young man in his fifties, originally form Safed city in Palestine. In a different context, the Turkish Embassy in #Lebanon continue to stop issuing visas to the #Palestinian_Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Syria, without giving reasons, which forced hundreds of Palestinians of #Syria to go through dangerous road to enter the Turkish territory illegally, since the land crossings require visas, it is noteworthy that Turkey allow the entry of Syrian refugees to #Turkey without visas. Meanwhile, the power came back to the houses of #ANairab_camp in Aleppo after being cut for four consecutive days, and states that the camp is under the control of the regular Syrian army, and is one of the strategic areas of Aleppo, for being near to the Neirab Military Airport. The #Palestinian_Camps in Syria, Numbers and Statistics till 27/12/2014 • At least 27933 Palestinian Syrian refugees have reached Europe during the last 4 years. • 2590 Palestinian refugees were documented by the AGPS including 157 women, 283 were killed due to torture, 268 were killed by sniper shot, 84 refugees were field executed, and 984 refugees were killed due to bombing. • The Yarmouk Camp: - Siege, imposed by the Regular Army and PFGC, continued for 540 days respectively. In addition, power cuts continued for more than 620 days, water was cut for 110 days respectively. The number of victims due to the siege has reached 157 victims. • 80,000 Palestinian Syrian refugees escaped from Syria to the neighboring towns, including 14348 refugees in Jordan, 42,000 in Lebanon, according to UNRWA statistics till November 2014. • Al Husayneyya Camp: - Regular Army is still preventing the residents of the camp to return back to their houses for 442days respectively. • Al Sbeina Camp: - Regular Army is still preventing the residents of the camp to return back to their houses for 412days respectively. • Handarat Camp: - Residents have left the camp for 613 days after the Syrian Opposition Groups controlled it. • Dara’a Camp: - It is now almost 257 days without water and 70% of its buildings were demolished. • Jermana, AL SaiedaZAinab, Al Raml, Al AedeinCamps in Homs and Hamma: - A relatively quiet situation in light of the economic crises. • Khan Al Sheih Camp: - Roads linking the camp to the city center are still closed except for Zakia road.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:44:47 +0000

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