Does anything make you curious? I became curious when I heard - TopicsExpress


Does anything make you curious? I became curious when I heard about WTC Building 7 collapsed seven hours after the towers collapsed because no plane hit Building 7. The most curious part is it was around five or six years after 2001 but the media ignored an event more preposterous than both towers collapsing when a jet hit each one. Isn’t it curious behavior that innocent people have no compunctions to add themselves to the 9-11 conspiracy or any criminal conspiracy for benefit in return? If the World Trade Center (WTC) and the Pentagon attack collapsed the WTC due to the hijacked planes instead of explosives rigged at the order of President George W. Bush the government would easily be able to prove that in the Southern District of New York case of April Gallop or the Connecticut District court case of Stephen A. Miller. April Gallop is a Pentagon victim who barely escaped death. She saw no evidence of any plane because Flight 77 was diverted to an unknown location by a pilot on that plane where all the crew and passengers were murdered by our government. We know that nobody on Flight 77 ever returned. Doesn’t their murder seem inevitable now 12 years later? Flight 77 had two huge engines that weren’t part of the wreckage. If they were part of the wreckage there would be pictures that would defy April Gallop’s claim that she saw no evidence. There are no black boxes, no landing gear, no seats, no bodies, no luggage. The only thing frivolous about Ms. Gallop’s law suit is that after Judge Denny Chin dismissed the case, he was promoted to the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals. Any rational person would want to know the truth established during a trial where witnesses could be examined and cross examined. But our government refuses to allow any trial. That fact in and of itself is suspicious. Citizens who want to be misled about the 9-11 attack should not be allowed to vote in any election. Wanting to be ignorant is a mental defect. April Gallop worked in the Pentagon at the spot of the explosion. She filed a law suit against General Meyers, Cheney and Rumsfeld in the Southern District of New York that was dismissed by Judge Denny Chin. Apart from these factual allegations, the Complaint hypothesizes a fantastical alternative history to the widely accepted account of the “explosion” that injured Gallop and killed 125 other men and women inside the Pentagon. Among other things, Gallop’s complaint alleges that American Airlines Flight 77 did not crash into the Pentagon. (“[T]he official story, that a hijacked plane crashed into the Pentagon and exploded . . . is false.”). Instead, the Complaint alleges that the United States” most senior military and civilian leaders cause[d] and arrange[d] for high explosive charges to be detonated inside the Pentagon, and/or a missile of some sort to be fired at the building . . . to give the false impression that hijackers had crashed the plane into the building, as had apparently happened in New York.” Gallop further contends that these officials knew of the September 11 attacks in advance, facilitated their execution, and attempted to cover up their involvement in order to “generate a political atmosphere of acceptance in which [the government] could enact and implement radical changes in the policy and practice of constitutional government in [the United States].” It shouldn’t be hard to spot weird, grotesque hypocrites. The entire country is a total hypocrisy of liars who refuse to deal with reality. Can America snap out of its deep trance of hypocrisy before it finally collapses?
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 13:44:46 +0000

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