Does the government really need to track your emails to catch - TopicsExpress


Does the government really need to track your emails to catch terrorists?...Last week’s exposure of the NSA’s data mining program called PRISM has the government on the defensive against outraged citizens. Their defense is that monitoring all our communications helps them identify terrorists and prevent attacks. Stories even cited a concrete example: PRISM intercepted emails that helped stop a planned suicide bombing attack on the New York subway system. But that plot was foiled when British authorities arrested some suspected terrorists, found emails on their computer, and alerted the Americans. It came from busting criminals, not from snooping on millions of law-abiding citizens. So the question remains, if PRISM is so effective at identifying terrorist needles in haystacks, then how did it miss the Boston Marathon bombers, who were not only sending emails and making cell phone calls, they were even on Facebook and Twitter? For more of the Huckabee Report visit MikeHuckabee.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 11:30:01 +0000

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