Dont know how much more this my heart and mind can take! I have - TopicsExpress


Dont know how much more this my heart and mind can take! I have the herion voice talking to me inside my head saying its ok, telling me my life has gotten worse , telling me atlease with me u had things such as food to eat,doctors to take care ur health, cash in hand at times! My mind cant take much more stress, my chest hurts all the time, my back is killing me and at times almost paralizes me! It tells me you turned ur back on the streets and ur time is coming to pay the ultimate price! The voice plays the take ur life role as well!!! The sad part is this voice never was here until around june after od and stay in drug treatment! The voice did take back seat for awhile! But has come back stronger than the drug its self! It is coming back with a vengeance! It is stronger than any drug out there , stronger than any person I have ever came across , stronger than god it seems at times! The only thing I get positive in mind right now herion is I will fight you until I cant fight any more then if u must take my life so be it! But I promise you this there are alot people behind me and will carry out the message of your destruction to people and lifes that you cause! You know your game and trust me I know your the best at it! Im not ready To give into you and definitely not without a hard core fight! So herion for now I say leave me the f★◇¤ alone!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:46:53 +0000

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