Don’t play with a woman’s heart, why mislead a good woman if - TopicsExpress


Don’t play with a woman’s heart, why mislead a good woman if you know you’re not going to love her the way she deserves to be loved. As much as you want to chase tail forever, if you find a good woman, consider the fact that they don’t come along often. Having a woman that you can trust is invaluable, especially after the world has boxed your ears for a few decades. Rest assured that I ain’t a saint, but I try to keep priorities straight at home. Loyalty is a virtue, especially when it comes to pillow talk at bedtime. Secrets get shared in every relationship. That’s one way to know and see if you can actually trust the person that claims to have your best interest at heart. Another thing that’s very important is how he/she represents you when you’re apart. This attests to the character of your relationship. Me personally, my priorities are straight. I am a good representation of myself, my man, and my family and I have values and morals that are leading me through life with purpose. Don’t be that man/woman who gets impatient with a good man/woman just because you’re used to wasting time with the bad ones. I want to be that woman that Christ shines through all of my movements and actions. I am trying so hard to be patient and completely and wholly trust in the Lord ONLY! I keep relying on Him to strengthen me through the wait. I want my relationship to glorify God! If God is not a part of your relationship then it will not stand, no matter how bad you want it to. I don’t want anything for myself that God doesn’t want for me. Where are the joy and abundant life in settling for something that He doesn’t desire for my life? I’m just totally leaving it in God’s hands…because I know what I want and I am willing to wait patiently on the man that God designed just for me and I will not settle for less until then. I’ll tell you one thing: There are no smiles of warmth that look as good as the ones that are about to walk out your front door and never come back. This is doubly true if she’s a good woman because you’ll learn real quickly how tough it is to find another.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 12:39:39 +0000

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