Dr. Ali Afifi and Egyptian vision of the Armenian issue - TopicsExpress


Dr. Ali Afifi and Egyptian vision of the Armenian issue Atta Dergham Do you expect that Turkey recognizes the Armenian Genocide .....? I do not expect it in the present and in the foreseeable future. .................................................. ......................................... Is Turkeys recognition of the Armenian Genocide will make it a member of the European Union? I do not think that is the Armenian Genocide has the effect of significantly so make non-recognition of Turkey it affects is recognized as a member of the European Union, and the issue of the recognition of Turkey, a member of the European Union a political issue that has deep historical roots plays the history of Turkeys Islamic Arab world and the Middle East and Eastern Europe, Islamic political and present the result of the presence of an Islamic-oriented government in Turkey. As we look at the relationship between Turkey and orientations in the Arab world since 2005, almost, we find that they left Europe, which was striving to join a union and went to play a vital role and influence on home soil the old Middle East, I attended a meeting organized by Al Jazeera Centre for Studies in 2010 and was Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkeys foreign minister is lecturer, and in answer to a question about the recognition of Turkey, a member of the European Union said characters and still remember We are confident of joining the European Union, and I think that Turkey reorientation of its foreign policy towards Iran, Russia, China, and economic renaissance that every day in the evolution predicted that the European Union recognized by the sooner or later a member of the European Union that this did not lead the successive economic crises experienced by the European Union to collapse. .................................................. ............................................... Do you expect to increase the number of countries that will recognize the Armenian Genocide ....? I think that it may increase .................................................. ................................................ When Turkey will recognize the Armenian Genocide ....? In light of data history, the present and the foreseeable future, I do not see there is any trend in Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide, because the recognition may result in material compensation could harm may even lead to the collapse of the Turkish economy, recognition of the Armenian Genocide by Turkey is out of the question in light of its policy of never, though I think if the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Turkey Vkrta in the future and Tanasea past and opened a new page for the best because the law of history says that there is not an act, but a response to the act, and if the Turks had massacres against the Armenians, it is set to be the Armenians have done massacres similar towards the Turks, as that the search in the past is useful in terms of Turkish-Armenian relations in the present and the future preferably if I thought the two countries in the future and Tanasea what do grandparents do not demand the grandchildren to pay compensation for, and start a new page of relations bode well through the exchange of economic expertise and capital, it more meaningful. .................................................. .................................................. How the world will receive a percentage of genocide ......? I think it will pass on much of the world in transit there will not be any return on them, but some of the countries that are interested in political pressure on Turkey as it may loom Ptvkerha recognize it, may see more recognition of the centennial of the Genocide states. .................................................. ............................ How will your willingness to receive a percentage of genocide .....? What will be the willingness of an individual, on a personal level condemn all acts of violence and genocide, displacement and deportation short, if we compare between what happened in the genocide of the Armenians and what happened from the genocide of Arabs and Muslims in the United Republic of Tanzania in the seventies of the last century will not find much discrepancy, and the Serbs committed in Tsieinat the same century, a lot of massacres against Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the Russians did with the Muslims of Kosovo, and Israel is doing against defined Palestine and do Buddhists against Muslims in Burma and other ... if we thought a little Tanasena last Nhenah aside and opened the pages of the Union and cooperation at all levels will have, in my view the most cost-effective. .................................................. ................................... What do you represent the memory of the Armenian Genocide .....? The memory of the violence and the blood Osilt and massacres committed against unarmed civilians Vpkl confirm this is rejected by religions and rejected by all of humanity in his heart an atom of mercy will find himself in those refusing anniversary. .................................................. ....................................... What perceptions to receive a percentage of the Armenian genocide ...? If we repeat the ears of our children, what he did to the Jews against the Arabs defenseless Muslims in Palestine, at every opportunity, I think that such anniversary with Armenians need a reminder also for future generations so as not to die case and forgotten, and so we know the children what did grandchildren and what they endured for the sake of the homeland. .................................................. ............................................ What do you see a solution to the issue of the Armenian in the Centennial ....? Solution that there is reconciliation and Tsafa for souls that undertakes the Armenians that if he confessed to the Turkish massacres not to ask what the consequences of this recognition of civil right, and at the same time we call for tolerance and dressing war not only generate war, violence only begets violence, and the classification of the state as a terrorist and committed to massacres of inviting more violence, peace is the solution, and all divine religions call for peace, and make all human beings are brothers God created them for the reconstruction of the Earth and how come that only peace .................................................. ............... For civilized dialogue - Issue Number: 4513 - 2014/7/15
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 10:51:13 +0000

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