Dr Michelle Craft recommends good nutrition for children with - TopicsExpress


Dr Michelle Craft recommends good nutrition for children with Cystic Fibrosis Heres what I know to be true and have had success with children at The Wellness Connection. Cystic Fibrosis, as well as all childhood diseases, responds extremely well to good nutrition. The most powerful ways to support someone is to make sure they are getting enough nutrients EVERY SINGLE DAY. Remove gluten from their diet. Gluten decreases the ability of the digestive track to pull nutrients from food, over time, which is the biggest issue for CF kids-getting enough nutrients and protein in system throughout the day. This is really easy to do by substitution. Use rice pasta instead of pasta, rice or gluten free breads, and cereals from corn or rice or other grains. All available at local grocery stores like Safeway now. Remove all toxic food dyes and artificial coloring which are directly linked to behavior issues in children. For example -no more M and Ms, no Kraft Macaroni and Cheese which still uses harmful food color additives in our country but has removed it in all other countries, no processed foods that have ZERO nutritional content like the popular lunchables that is like crack in a microwavable little box for kids with toxic additives, artificial food color, processed meats and cheeses, high fructose corn syrup, etc-in just that little cute box. These foods make it harder for children to cope, manage and respond to stress because it makes their body work HARDER than it needs to than with more natural healthy foods. NO HIGH FRUCTOSE CORN SYRUP which is directly linked to pancreas malfunction and pancreatic cancer! Chose natural sodas over sodas and read labels on everything. So NO CANDY either which is made of artificial food color and high fructose corn syrup and thats about it. There are great alternatives for snacks and treats available at the health food stores in town and even Safeway. Heres what you DO: LOTS of filtered water throughout day. HIGH PROTEINS throughout the day- Vi Shake is perfect and can help with this. 23 grams of protein. Milkshakes are recommended to increase protein intake, daily, so I would go with a healthy one like Vi Shake instead of one made with huge amounts of sugar and additives. LOTS of fruits, vegetables, natural meats and fish. beans, nuts. Go ORGANIC and NON GMO -what does that mean? You know you food is pesticide free from poison sprays and does not come from an unknown genetically modified seed full of harmful bacteria and side effects. These are not hard changes to make for your children. They are necessary. You will possibly save their life, definitely improve their health, and save money on your healthcare costs avoiding unnecessary harmful medications and procedures that can be completely avoided by GOOD NUTRITION. Blessings and love to your family. Please let me know if you have any more questions about your child and their health and nutrition:)
Posted on: Wed, 15 Jan 2014 20:00:18 +0000

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