Draft Minutes for 2014 Novermber 20th Council meeting - - TopicsExpress


Draft Minutes for 2014 Novermber 20th Council meeting - Calvary-by-the-Sea Lutheran Church Council of Deacons Meeting 20th November 2014 Draft Minutes 1) Call to Order and Roll Call. The meeting was called to order by President Jim Myers at 6.18 pm.  A quorum of Mr Myers, Susan Schwichow-Lord, Geoff Hamilton, , Pastor Tim Mason, Rafael del Castillo, Mike May, Thea Johanos-Kam, Adam Sylvester, and Bob Joseph was present.  Apologies were received from Peggy Trout, Monika Day, and Bryce Harken. Guests included the Director of Worship and Music Dr. Tom Poole, the Pre-School Director Jennifer Hawkins, the Church Administrator Shelby Yuu, and Pastor Sam Domingo from Kilohana United Methodist Church. 2) Devotions.  Pastor Tim read from A Thankful Attitude by Sarah Young. 3) Approval of Minutes from the September and October Council Meetings.  Mr May moved approval of the October minutes and the motion passed unanimously. Mr Hamilton moved approval of the September minutes and the motion passed unanimously. 4) The Kilohana Senior Enrichment Center. Pastor Sam Domingo thanked the Council for inviting him to report on the planning to enlarge the senior enrichment center at Kilohana United Methodist Church.  He described the status of planning for the Center, which is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and he distributed brochures illustrating the program of activities and costs for participants.  The Center is actually managed by the Arcadia Elder Services. The board wants to enlarge its membership by including a representative from each of the area churches, at no cost to the participating churches.  Pastor Domingo was thanked for his interesting presentation.  The Council agreed by consensus to present this opportunity to the Calvary congregation and to respond to the Senior Enrichment Center following the next Council meeting. 5) Treasurer’s Report  The Treasurer, Peggy Trout, reported that year-to-date income (through 30th October) was $805,631. Expenses were $683,914, so income over expense year-to-date is $121,717.  This is due chiefly to Japanese wedding income which is significantly greater than was forecast in the Budget.  In the discussion it was noted that major expense for renovation of the church fabric and major mission expenditures are scheduled for December, so some of the budget underspend is likely to disappear by the end of the year, but she expects about $100,000 surplus of income over expenses by the end of the year. Ms Trout expects to have a trial budget ready for review by mid-December. The Church Administrator, Shelby Yuu, asked the Council to formally approve, for the purposes of the Internal Revenue Service, a Pastor’s Housing Allowance for the 2014 year of $36,720.  This resolution was approved unanimously. 6) Old Business 6a) Policy document on use of church facilities.  Ms Yuu reported that a draft has been written and is currently being reviewed by the Treasurer.   6b) Recruitment of a new Youth Director.  Pastor Tim reported that two viable candidates have applied for the position.  Mr Myers asked that the applications be circulated to the Personnel Committee. 7) New Business 7a) Formation of a Grief Support Group.  Pastor Tim reported that there are currently three people reading a book on this topic, Life After Loss, by Bob Dietz. 8) Reports 8a) Montessori Pre-School.  Jennifer Hawkins, the Pre-School Director, reported that the numbers of students and length of the waitlists are the largest ever.  The School is operating in the black financially.  Some of the teachers remain disturbed by that Ms Mai Ly Schulz was terminated, but Ms Hawkins is working to help them understand why a person with administrative and financial authority must be asked to leave the premises promptly.  She is working to get an Association of Montessori Institutes (AMI) consultant to come and hold discussion sessions with the teachers.  The AMI review for accreditation earlier this year suggested that the primary class was a bit large and Ms. Hawkins has split it into two classrooms with 24 students in each.  She expects to hire and additional teacher to begin in January.  She is also working to hire a new administrative assistant and has one very good candidate for that position.  There is still some problem with not all teachers doing the online training course requires by the State for people who work with small children, but she is working on this problem.  The School has initiated evacuation and tsunami training for the children and will continue working on this important issue. 8b) Pastor. Pastor Tim said the church staff will work with the School on evacuation readiness and training.  He said he derived great benefit from attending the Professional Leaders Conference in California last month.  He is working on plans for occasional Sunday School sessions in blocks of 3-4 weeks on different topics, rather than to have sessions every Sunday.  The first group begins on 30th November and will focus on the Christmas Story. 8c) Music and Worship. Dr Poole reviewed the planning for all the services for the remainder of the year and into 2015. He thanked the Council for encouraging him to attend the Professional Leaders Conference and it was quite beneficial. He was pleased to announce that he has been invited to hold a seminar at the biennial meeting of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians on the topic “Hula, Grass Skirts, and Mai Tais: An ELCA Congregation at Worship in Hawai’i--Lessons in Enculturation.” 8d) Stewardship Committee.  Ms Schwichow-Lord reported that pledges are coming in and the Committee will continue to make presentations in the Sunday services. 8e) Endowment Committee Report.  Ms Schwichow-Lord asked the Council to endorse one change in the signature authority  on the Endowment Fund.  Nackil Sung has agreed to replace Ms Trout on the Committee.  There was unanimous endorsement of this change. 8f) Property Maintenance Committee.  The Committee reported that the new lights in the hau tree in front of the Sanctuary will be installed in December.  The sidewalks will be power-washed by Bob Legler, and a new carpet will replace the worn and torn carpet outside the front doors of the Sanctuary.  The Council expressed its thanks to the Committee and to Mr Legler for these significant improvements. 9) Adjournment and Closing Prayer.  The meeting adjourned at 8.35 pm. 10) Next Meeting: the normal date is 18th December.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 02:32:17 +0000

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